16:30 |
UP 2.1 |
Konzept zur nachhaltigen Integration der Offshore-Windenergie mittels dezentraler Biogasnutzung — •Jörg Bendfeld, Martin Tigges und Michael Splett
16:30 |
UP 2.2 |
Draft proposal for an Offshore Metmast for Renewable Energy — •Jörg Bendfeld, Martin Tigges, and Michael Splett
16:30 |
UP 2.3 |
Retrieval of Aerosol Profiles using Multi Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) — •S. Yilmaz, U. Frieß, A. Apituley, G. de Leeuw, B. Henzing, H. Baars, B. Heese, D. Althausen, A. Dell’Acqua, M. Adam, J.-P. Putaud, and U. Platt
16:30 |
UP 2.4 |
Höhenprofilmessung der NO2 Konzentration in einer Straßenschlucht mittels Langpfad-DOAS — •Sebastian Landwehr, Denis Pöhler, Ming-Yi Tsai und Ulrich Platt
16:30 |
UP 2.5 |
Wavemeasurements with different principles (ast and bouy) — •Jörg Bendfeld, Martin Tigges, and Michael Splett
16:30 |
UP 2.6 |
The SO2 camera Theoretical basis of measurement and data evaluation — •Peter Lübcke, Christoph Kern, Leif Vogel, Felix Kick, Markus Wöhrbach, and Ulrich Platt
16:30 |
UP 2.7 |
Sensitivity enhancement of an Er3+-doped fiber laser to intracavity absorption — •Benjamin Löden, Peter Fjodorow, Klaus Sengstock, and Valeri Baev
16:30 |
UP 2.8 |
Comparison of precipitation data between the Arctic and East Africa — •Naoki Itoh and Jürgen Kurths
16:30 |
UP 2.9 |
Different wavelength evaluation ranges in the retrieval of trace gases with DOAS at the example of BrO — •Leif Vogel, Holger Sihler, Johannes Lampel, Ulrich Platt, and Thomas Wagner
16:30 |
UP 2.10 |
Daytime ozone and temperature variations in the mesosphere: A comparison between SABER observations and HAMMONIA model — •Sebastian Dikty, Hauke Schmidt, Mark Weber, Christian von Savigny, and Martin Mlynczak
16:30 |
UP 2.11 |
Comparison of nanoaerosol sources and their applications. — •Svetlana Khasminskaya, Jan Meinen, Markus Eritt, Andreas Comouth, and Thomas Leisner
16:30 |
UP 2.12 |
Crystal structures and microcrystal distributions resulting from efflorescence of ternary aerosols — •Lennart Treuel, Alice Sandmann, and Reinhard Zellner
16:30 |
UP 2.13 |
Statistical Analysis of Aerosol Optical Thickness from Satellite Retrievals using BAER and AERONET over Several Regions — •jongmin yoon, wolfgang von hoyningen-huene, alexander a. kokhanovsky, marco vountas, and john p. burrows
16:30 |
UP 2.14 |
The GEOS-Chem tropospheric chemistry model — •Marco Scharringhausen, Justus Notholt, Thorsten Warneke, and Daniel Jacob
16:30 |
UP 2.15 |
Carbon dioxide and methane over Europe — •Anna Katinka Petersen, Janina Messerschmidt, Wouter Peters, Justus Notholt, and Thorsten Warneke
16:30 |
UP 2.16 |
Cloud effects on tropospheric NO2 measurements from satellite — •Achim Zien, Andreas Richter, Andreas Hilboll, and John P. Burrows
16:30 |
UP 2.17 |
Ozonabbau über dem offenen Ozean? — •Katja Grossmann, Jens Tschritter, Udo Frieß und Ulrich Platt
16:30 |
UP 2.18 |
Direct moonlight DOAS for nighttime studies of volcanic plumes — •Johannes Zielcke, Nicole Bobrowski, Leif Vogel, Christoph Kern, and Ulrich Platt
16:30 |
UP 2.19 |
GOME-2 satellite observations of NOx emissions from ships — •Andreas Richter, Andreas Hilboll, Achim Zien, and John P. Burrows
16:30 |
UP 2.20 |
Simultaneous observations of IO and BrO over the Antarctic from space — •Anja Schönhardt, Andreas Richter, Mathias Begoin, Folkard Wittrock, and John P. Burrows
16:30 |
UP 2.21 |
Validation of the Limb-Nadir-Matching Method for the Determination of Tropospheric Ozone in the Subtropics and Middle Latitudes — •Stefan Bötel, Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, Christian von Savigny, and John P. Burrows
16:30 |
UP 2.22 |
Harmonization of GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 ozone absorption cross-sections — •Victor Gorshelev, Anna Serdyuchenko, Wissam Chehade, Mark Weber, and John Burrows
16:30 |
UP 2.23 |
Ramanspektroskopie zur Untersuchung von Phasenübergängen von Zitronensäuremikrotropfen — •Christiane Wender und Thomas Leisner
16:30 |
UP 2.24 |
Laborexperimente zum Verdampfungsverhalten geladener Wolkentropfen — •Christopher Maus, Daniel Rzesanke, Johannes K. Nielsen und Thomas Leisner
16:30 |
UP 2.25 |
BrO Labormessungen mit neu entwickeltem CE-DOAS Messgerät — •Daniel Hoch, Joelle Buxmann, Holger Siehler und Ulrich Platt