BP 15: Physics of Cells II
Dienstag, 23. März 2010, 14:30–17:00, H43
14:30 |
BP 15.1 |
Formation of long lived local protein kinase C clusters after short Calcium puffs — •Mike Bonny, Martin Peglow, Lars Kaestner, Peter Lipp, Heiko Rieger, and Karsten Kruse
14:45 |
BP 15.2 |
Sensitisation waves in a bidomain fire-diffuse-fire model of intracellular Ca2+ dynamics — •Rüdiger Thul, Steven Coombes, and Greg D Smith
15:00 |
BP 15.3 |
Bifurcations and Chaos in the MAPK Signaling Cascade — •Martin Zumsande and Thilo Gross
15:15 |
BP 15.4 |
Generating alternating bidirectional gradient fields for dynamic measurement of chemotactic response in living cells — •Börn Meier, Christoph Weber, Simon Youssef, Thomas Franosch, Joachim Rädler, and Doris Heinrich
15:30 |
BP 15.5 |
Does Molecular Crowding affect DNA Hybridization in vivo? — Ingmar Schoen, Hubert Krammer, and •Dieter Braun
15:45 |
15 min. break
16:00 |
BP 15.6 |
Correlation of protein density with cell morphology both in motile mouse fibroblasts and slime molds — •Erik Bernitt, Christina Oettmeier, Siddharth Deshpande, and Hans-Günther Döbereiner
16:15 |
BP 15.7 |
The role of the G protein-coupled receptor CXCR4 in angiogenesis - a single-molecule approach — •Susanne Fenz, Cassandra Verheul, Ewa Snaar-Jagalska, and Thomas Schmidt
16:30 |
BP 15.8 |
A model for thickness oscillations in protoplasmic droplets of Physarum polycephalum — Markus Radszuweit, Harald Engel, and •Markus Bär
16:45 |
BP 15.9 |
Impact of microscopic motility on overall swimming behaviour of parasites — Sravanti Uppaluri, Jan Nagler, •Eric Stellamanns, Niko Heddergott, Stephan Herminghaus, Markus Engstler, and Thomas Pfohl