14:00 |
BP 28.1 |
Electrostatic effects on depletion forces — •Roberto Piazza, Stefano Buzzaccaro, Jader Colombo, and Alberto Parola
14:30 |
BP 28.2 |
Interaction of Proteins with Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes — •Katja Henzler, Alexander Wittemann, Björn Haupt, Oleg Borisov, and Matthias Ballauff
14:45 |
BP 28.3 |
On the Question of Universality of Charge Induced Reentrant Condensation of Proteins — •Fajun Zhang, Benjamin Heck, Marcell Wolf, Luca Ianeselli, Michael Ziller, Maximilian W. A. Skoda, Robert M. J. Jacobs, Oliver Kohlbacher, Sophie Weggler, Andreas Hildbrandt, and Frank Schreiber
15:00 |
BP 28.4 |
Effective charge of globular proteins and denrimers — Ute Böhme and •Ulrich Scheler
15:15 |
BP 28.5 |
Charge effects in protein diffusion — •Marcus Hennig, Felix Roosen-Runge, Fajun Zhang, Tilo Seydel, and Frank Schreiber
15:30 |
15 min. break
15:45 |
BP 28.6 |
In-silico simulation of reentrant protein condensation with highly valent counterions — Sophie Weggler, Michael Ziller, Fajun Zhang, Frank Schreiber, Oliver Kohlbacher, and •Andreas Hildebrandt
16:15 |
BP 28.7 |
Oligolamellar Lipid Layers Under Load: A Model For Artificial Implants — •Martin Kreuzer, Reiner Dahint, and Roland Steitz
16:30 |
BP 28.8 |
Ion specificity and the Jones-Ray effect at liquid-liquid interfaces — •Markus Bier
16:45 |
BP 28.9 |
Three-layer piezoelectrets from fluoroethylenepropylene (FEP) copolymer films: Arrangement, preparation and characterization — •Peng Fang, Feipeng Wang, Werner Wirges, Heitor Cury Basso, and Reimund Gerhard
17:00 |
BP 28.10 |
The conformation of poly(styrene sulfonate) layers physisorbed from salt solutions of different concentration studied on two different length scales: superposition of electrostatic and steric forces — •Stephan Block and Christiane A. Helm
17:15 |
BP 28.11 |
Changes of the Molecular Structure in Supported Polyelectrolyte Multilayers under Mechanical Stress — •Johannes Früh, Mareike Kiel, Ralf Köhler, and Rumen Krastev
17:30 |
BP 28.12 |
About the interfacial behaviour of PEM films of different charge density — •Ralf Köhler, Ingo Dönch, Patrick Ott, André Laschewsky, Andreas Fery, and Rumen Krastev