BP 4: Statistical Physics of Biological Systems II (joint BP, DY)
Montag, 22. März 2010, 14:00–17:00, H45
14:00 |
BP 4.1 |
Nonlinear dynamics and control of migraine waves — •Markus Dahlem
14:30 |
BP 4.2 |
Using GFRD to Study Pattern Formation due to the Interplay of Active and Passive Transport — •Thomas Sokolowski, Nils Becker, Laurens Bossen, Thomas Miedema, and Pieter Rein ten Wolde
14:45 |
BP 4.3 |
Prokaryotic Chromosome Organization in the Context of Entropy, Confinement and Tethering Interactions — •Miriam Fritsche and Dieter W. Heermann
15:00 |
BP 4.4 |
Velocity distributions of foraging bumblebees in the presence of predators — •Friedrich Lenz, Thomas C. Ings, Lars Chittka, Aleksei V. Chechkin, Holger Kantz, and Rainer Klages
15:15 |
BP 4.5 |
Modelling a flexible sheet swimmer with stochastic rotation dynamics — •Sujin Babu and Holger Stark
15:30 |
15 min. break
15:45 |
BP 4.6 |
The first passage problem for diffusion through a cylindrical pore with sticky walls — •Nicholas A. Licata and Stephan W. Grill
16:00 |
BP 4.7 |
A growth model for bacterial flagella — •Maximilian Schmitt, Reinhard Vogel, and Holger Stark
16:15 |
BP 4.8 |
Long-range protein coupling mediated by critical low-energy modes of tubular lipid membranes — Sylvain Monnier, Sergei B. Rochal, •Andrea Parmeggiani, and Vladimir L. Lorman
16:30 |
BP 4.9 |
Protein folding trajectories and free energy landscapes in a coarse-grained model — •Katrin Wolff, Michele Vendruscolo, and Markus Porto
16:45 |
BP 4.10 |
Intrinsic fluctuations in stochastic delay models of gene regulation — •Tobias Galla