09:30 |
CPP 40.1 |
Investigation of Structure and Miscibility Patterns of Gold-Platinum Nanoparticles — •Linn Leppert and Stephan Kümmel
09:45 |
CPP 40.2 |
Fibre-like polymer-metal nanocomposites - the morphology of a gold layer on curved polymer surfaces — •Stephan V. Roth, Rainer Gehrke, Ulla Vainio, Kai Schlage, Ralf Röhlsberger, Manfred Burghammer, Christian Riekel, Volker Körstgens, Ezzeldin Metwalli, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
10:00 |
CPP 40.3 |
Directed Self-Assembly of Nanoporous Metallic- and Bimetallic Nanoparticle Thin Films — •Torsten Pietsch, Nabil Gindy, and Amir Fahmi
10:15 |
CPP 40.4 |
Real time GISAXS study of magnetic nanoparticle assemblies on polymer templates — •Ezzeldin Metwalli, Kai Schlage, Volker Körstgens, Sebastien Couet, Robert Meier, Gunar Kaune, Stephan V. Roth, Ralf Röhlsberger, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
10:30 |
CPP 40.5 |
Manufacturing of barium titanate thin films with designed microstructure by a sol-gel process: in-situ SAXS investigation of the precursor system — •Tomasz Stawski, Sjoerd Veldhuis, Johan ten Elshof, Ole Göbel, Hessel Castricum, and Dave Blank
10:45 |
15 min. break
11:00 |
CPP 40.6 |
Dynamics of entangled Polyisoprene-POSS Nanocomposites studied by Dielectric Spectroscopy and Linear Rheology — •Thomas Glomann, Klaus Nusser, Gerald Johannes Schneider, Wim Pyckhout-Hintzen, Reiner Zorn, Lutz Willner, Juergen Allgaier, and Dieter Richter
11:15 |
CPP 40.7 |
Influence of the nanoparticles on the structural relaxations in epoxy nanocomposites as seen by rheological spectroscopy — •Matthieu Thomassey, Jörg Baller, Jan Kristian Krüger, and Roland Sanctuary
11:30 |
CPP 40.8 |
Polymer-grafted Silica Nanoparticles: a Structural Characterization in Solution and Bulk — •Mathias Meyer, Eike Hübner, Wim Pyckhout-Hintzen, Jürgen Allgaier, Aurel Radulescu, Dieter Richter, Pieter J. in 't Veld, and Horst Weiss
11:45 |
CPP 40.9 |
Functionalization and Characterization of SWCNTs for Electronics Applications — Engin Karabudak, Claudia Backes, Frank Hauke, Andreas Hirsch, and •Wendel Wohlleben
12:00 |
CPP 40.10 |
Modelling of electric conductivity in sheared CNT/polymer composites — •Marina Saphiannikova, Tetyana Skipa, Dirk Lellinger, Ingo Alig, and Gert Heinrich
12:15 |
CPP 40.11 |
Novel Nanocomposites in Industrial Applications - Chances and Challenges — •Péter Krüger