DF 10: Dielectric surfaces and interfaces
Mittwoch, 24. März 2010, 14:00–17:30, H11
14:00 |
DF 10.1 |
Molecular self-assembly on calcite — •Angelika Kühnle, Philipp Rahe, Jens Schütte, and Sebastian Rode
14:40 |
5 min. break
14:45 |
DF 10.2 |
Room temperature domain wall conductivity in Mg-doped lithium niobate — •Mathias Schröder, Alexander Haußmann, and Lukas M. Eng
15:05 |
DF 10.3 |
Theoretical atomic-scale study of the interaction of grain boundaries with domain walls in ferroelectric PbTiO3 — •Pavel Marton and Christian Elsässer
15:25 |
DF 10.4 |
An electronic defect state analysis in perovskite heterostructures by surface photovoltage spectroscopy — •Jana Becherer, Elke Beyreuther, Stefan Grafström, and Lukas M. Eng
15:45 |
DF 10.5 |
In situ high pressure synchrotron photoemission study of the SrTiO3/Pt interface — •Robert Schafranek, Christoph Körber, Andre Wachau, Andreas Klein, Michael Haväcker, Axel Knop-Gericke, and Robert Schlögl
16:05 |
5 min. break
16:10 |
DF 10.6 |
(Ba,Sr)TiO3 tunable capacitors with Al2O3 barrier layer — •Shunyi Li, Yuliang Zheng, Andre Wachau, Robert Schafranek, Rolf Jakoby, and Andreas Klein
16:30 |
DF 10.7 |
Energy level alignment and electric and dielectric properties of BST with ITO electrodes — Shunyi Li, •Cosmina Ghinea, André Wachau, Robert Schafranek, and Andreas Klein
16:50 |
DF 10.8 |
Energy band alignment between Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 and high and low work function conducting oxides - from hole to electron injection — •Robert Schafranek, Feng Chen, Shunyi Li, Wenbi Wu, and Andreas Klein
17:10 |
DF 10.9 |
Preparation and dielectric investigation of organic metal insulator semiconductor (MIS) structures with a ferroelectric polymer — René Kalbitz, Peter Frübing, Reimund Gerhard, and •Martin Taylor