DF 16: Phase Transitions
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 14:00–15:25, H11
14:00 |
DF 16.1 |
Succesive phase transitions in (Gua)4SO4Cl2 crystal - dielectric, pyroelectric, dilatometric and optical studies — •Zbigniew Czapla, Artur Rokosa, Slawomir Dacko, and Boguslaw Kosturek
14:40 |
5 min. break
14:45 |
DF 16.2 |
Common characteristics of displacive and relaxor ferroelectrics — •Annette Bussmann-Holder
15:05 |
DF 16.3 |
High-pressure structure of Pb-based relaxor ferroelectrics — •Bernd J. Maier, Ross J. Angel, William G. Marshall, Boriana Mihailova, Carsten Paulmann, Jens M. Engel, Marin Gospodinov, Anna-Maria Welsch, Dimitrina Petrova, and Ulrich Bismayer