DF 17: Nano- and microstructured dielectrics
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 15:30–17:30, H11
15:30 |
DF 17.1 |
Low-Voltage Nano-Domain Writing in He-Implanted Lithium Niobate Crystals — •Martin Lilienblum, Avishai Ofan, Ákos Hoffmann, Ophir Gaathon, Lakshmanan Vanamurthy, Sasha Bakhru, Hassaram Bakhru, Richard Osgood Jr., and Elisabeth Soergel
15:50 |
DF 17.2 |
Surface-charge effects of nanocrystalline lithium niobate* — •Daniel Schütze, Bastian Knabe, and Karsten Buse
16:10 |
DF 17.3 |
The novel polarization patterns in BaTiO3 nanowires from first principles — •Jiawang Hong, Gustau Catalan, Daining Fang, Emilio Artacho, and James F. Scott
16:30 |
DF 17.4 |
Size Effects in Fine Barium Titanate Particles — •Pavel Sedykh, Dieter Michel, Elena V. Charnaya, and Jürgen Haase
16:50 |
DF 17.5 |
Conductivity of BaTiO3 metallic composites below the percolation threshold due to finite size effects — •Hans Lustfeld and Martin Reißel
17:10 |
DF 17.6 |
Dielectric analysis of dispersed particles in composites of unknown microstructure — •Béatrice Hallouet, Carsten Volz, and Rolf Pelster