DF 2: Optical and nonlinear optical properties, photonic I
Montag, 22. März 2010, 11:00–13:00, H11
11:00 |
DF 2.1 |
Relaxation dynamics of mixed phase and amplitude gratings attributed to optically excited small polarons in reduced LiNbO3 — •Hauke Bruening, Raphael-Sung Hardt, Bettina Schoke, and Mirco Imlau
11:20 |
DF 2.2 |
Numerical Investigations of Diffraction Efficiency of Two Center Holographic Recording in Photorefractive Crystals — •Mehmet Kiliç and Riza Demirbilek
11:40 |
DF 2.3 |
Lasergepumpte Plasmaquelle für ultraschnelle zeitaufgelöste Röntgenbeugung — •Daniel Schick, Peter Gaal, Marc Herzog, Mareike Kiel, Steffen Mitzscherling, Wolfram Leitenberger und Matias Bargheer
12:00 |
DF 2.4 |
Glass-ceramics as dielectrica for mobile applications in the GHz-range — •Stephan Knöner, Martin Letz, and Gerhard Jakob
12:20 |
DF 2.5 |
Excitation Spectra of some AMX3 Crystals and their Electronic Energy Levels — •Riza Demirbilek, Aysegül Çelik Bozdogan, Çigdem Elif Demirci, Gökhan Asan, Murat Çalişkan, and Gönül Özen
12:40 |
DF 2.6 |
Excitation and Emission Spectra of RbCdBr3-Crystal — •Aysegül Çelik Bozdogan, Murat Çaliskan, Gönül Özen, and Riza Demirbilek