DF 6: Focus Session: High-k and high mobility materials for CMOS
Dienstag, 23. März 2010, 10:00–13:10, H11
10:00 |
DF 6.1 |
Gate Oxides beyond SiO2 and the High K Materials Revolution — •Darrell Schlom
10:40 |
5 min. break
10:45 |
DF 6.2 |
Topical Talk:
Advanced CMOS transistor technologies using HKMG and strained Silicon for high performance applications — •Manfred Horstmann
11:10 |
DF 6.3 |
Topical Talk:
Amorphous ternary high-k oxides on Si and higher mobility substrates — •Marcelo Lopes, Eylem Durgun-Ozben, Alexander Nichau, Roman Luptak, Martin Roeckerath, Juergen Schubert, and Siegfried Mantl
11:35 |
DF 6.4 |
Aspect Ratio Trapping: A Heterointegration Solution for Ge and III-V CMOS — •James Fiorenza
12:15 |
5 min. break
12:20 |
DF 6.5 |
Topical Talk:
Wafer Bonding Techniques for Advanced CMOS — •Manfred Reiche
12:45 |
DF 6.6 |
Topical Talk:
Si wafer engineering: single crystalline oxides as buffers for the integration of alternative semiconductors — •Alessandro Giussani, Peter Zaumseil, Olaf Seifarth, Markus Andreas Schubert, Peter Storck, and Thomas Schroeder