DS 13: Thermoelectric Thin Films and Nanostructures I
Dienstag, 23. März 2010, 10:30–13:00, H8
10:30 |
DS 13.1 |
Thermoelectric investigations on nanocomposite PbTe with different inclusions — •Gert Homm, Denis Petri, Sabine Schlecht, and Peter J. Klar
10:45 |
DS 13.2 |
Experimental and theoretical investigations of PbTe-based nanocomposites with different inclusion phases — Denis Petri, Christoph Erk, Gert Homm, Markus Piechotka, Peter J. Klar, Sabine Schlecht, and •Beate Paulus
11:00 |
DS 13.3 |
Conductivity anisotropy of layered BiTe-SbTe-heterostructures — •Bogdan Yavorsky, Nicki Hinsche, Martin Gradhand, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig
11:15 |
DS 13.4 |
Evidence of Multiphase Nature of β-Zn4Sb3 by means of Surface Scanning Techniques — •Titas Dasgupta, Christian Stiewe, Ralf Hassdorf, Lothar Böttcher, Hao Yin, Bo Iversen, and Eckhard Müller
11:30 |
DS 13.5 |
Thermoelectric CoSb3 thin films on amorphous SiO2 substrates — •Marcus Daniel, Christoph Brombacher, Gunter Beddis, and Manfred Albrecht
11:45 |
DS 13.6 |
Doped NiTiSn as a n- + p-type thermoelectric material pair in almost one material — •B. Balke, S. Ouardi, M. Schwall, and C. Felser
12:00 |
DS 13.7 |
Enhanced Thermoelectric Figure of Merit in Edge Disordered Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons — •Haldun Sevincli and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
12:15 |
DS 13.8 |
Calculation of the Seebeck-coefficient using the NEGF formalism in a 1D-model — •Michael Bachmann, Michael Czerner, and Christian Heiliger
12:30 |
DS 13.9 |
Order-N method for calculating thermal transport at the mesoscale — •Wu Li, Haldun Sevincli, Stephan Roche, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
12:45 |
DS 13.10 |
Strained and rolled up silicon: Electronic structure calculations of a promising thermoelectric material — •Nicki Hinsche, Bogdan Yavorski, Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig