DS 14: Thermoelectric Thin Films and Nanostructures II
Dienstag, 23. März 2010, 14:00–15:30, H8
14:00 |
DS 14.1 |
Topical Talk:
Thermal Conductivity of Thermoelectric Materials Embedded with Nanoparticles — •Yee Kan Koh and David Cahill
14:30 |
DS 14.2 |
Thermoelectric efficiency in stacks of n-type InAs/GaAs quantum dots — Vladimir M. Fomin and •Peter Kratzer
14:45 |
DS 14.3 |
Thermal Conductivity Of Single Crystalline SiGe/Si Multilayers Below The Amorphous Limit — •Armando Rastelli, Fabio Pezzoli, Peixuan Chen, Mathieu Stoffel, and Oliver G. Schmidt
15:00 |
DS 14.4 |
Half Heusler thin film superlattices for thermoelectrics — •Tino Jaeger, Christian Mix, Xenija Kozian, Benjamin Balke, Sascha Populoh, Anke Weidenkaff, Claudia Felser, and Gerhard Jakob
15:15 |
DS 14.5 |
Engineering the thermopower in semiconductor-molecule junctions: towards high thermoelectric efficiency at the nanoscale — Daijiro Nozaki, Haldun Sevincli, Wu Li, •Rafael Gutierrez, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti