DS 19: Synthesis of Nanostructured Films by Self-organization I (Focused Session)
Mittwoch, 24. März 2010, 10:30–12:45, H2
10:30 |
DS 19.1 |
Topical Talk:
Glancing angle deposition: Preparation, properties, and application of micro- and nanostructured thin films — •Bernd Rauschenbach, Christian Patzig, Jens Bauer, and Chinmay Khare
11:00 |
DS 19.2 |
Agglomeration kinetics and pattern formation of Pt thin films on yttria stabilized zirconia single crystals — •Henning Galinski, Thomas Ryll, Lukas Schlagenhauf, Anja Bieberle-Hütter, Jennifer M. Rupp, and Ludwig Gauckler
11:15 |
DS 19.3 |
Self-organized pattern formation on Si by low-energy ion beam erosion with simultaneous Fe incorporation — •Marina Cornejo, Bashkim Ziberi, Frank Frost, and Bernd Rauschenbach
11:30 |
DS 19.4 |
In-situ grazing incidence scattering investigations during magnetron sputtering deposition of FePt/Ag thin films — •Jörg Grenzer, Valentina Cantelli, Nicole M. Jeutter, and Johannes von Borany
11:45 |
DS 19.5 |
Factors influencing metal impurity induced ion beam patterning of Si(001) — •Sven Macko, Frank Frost, Bashkim Ziberi, Daniel Förster, and Thomas Michely
12:00 |
DS 19.6 |
Dependence of wavelength of Xe ion-induced rippled structures on the fluence in the medium ion energy range — •Antje Hanisch, Andreas Biermanns, Jörg Grenzer, and Ullrich Pietsch
12:15 |
DS 19.7 |
Topical Talk:
Synthesis of Nanostructured Films by Self-organization — •Hans Hofsäss