09:30 |
DS 26.1 |
High-resolution spectroscopic mapping of P3HT:PCBM organic blend films for solar-cell applications — •Xiao Wang, Dai Zhang, Kai Braun, Hans-Joachim Egelhaaf, Christoph J. Brabec, and Alfred J. Meixner
09:45 |
DS 26.2 |
Investigations on thickness dependence of electrical characteristics and stability of self-assembled monolayers — •Dana Habich
10:00 |
DS 26.3 |
2D mapping of the Electron Beam Induced Current (EBIC) in organic solar cells — •Piet Reuter, Thomas Rath, Gregor Trimmel, and Peter Hadley
10:15 |
DS 26.4 |
Analysis of Metallic Conduction at the Interface of TTF and TCNQ Crystals. — •Viktor Atalla, Mina Yoon, and Matthias Scheffler
10:30 |
DS 26.5 |
Structural analysis of photoactive polymer blend films on textured polymeric and inorganic substrates — •Robert Meier, Matthias A. Ruderer, Gunar Kaune, Alexander Diethert, Fabian Markl, Volker Körstgens, Johannes Wiedersich, Stephan V. Roth, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
10:45 |
15 min. break
11:00 |
DS 26.6 |
Structural and morphological changes in P3HT thin film transistors applying an electric field — •Deepak kumar Tiwari, Souren Grigorian, Ullrich Pietsch, Heinz Flesch, and Roland Resel
11:15 |
DS 26.7 |
Thickness dependent structural order in P3HT films - a key parameter for high OFET mobility — •Benedikt Gburek, Richa Sharma, Torsten Balster, and Veit Wagner
11:30 |
DS 26.8 |
Deposition of P3HT via dip coating onto transistors with channel lengths below 1 µ m — •Silviu Botnarash, Steve Pittner, and Veit Wagner
11:45 |
DS 26.9 |
Semitransparent small-molecule organic solar cells — •Jan Meiss, Christian Uhrich, Stefan Sonntag, Wolf-Michael Gnehr, Martin Pfeiffer, Karl Leo, and Moritz Riede
12:00 |
DS 26.10 |
Stability optimisation of small molecule organic solar cells — •Martin Hermenau, Karl Leo, and Moritz Riede
12:15 |
DS 26.11 |
Self organized molecular electronic junctions using two phase liquid structures in microfluidic channels — •Shashi Thutupalli, Mark Elbing, Matthias Fischer, David Muñoz, Ralf Seemann, Marcel Mayor, and Stephan Herminghaus
12:30 |
DS 26.12 |
DNA Based Molecular Electronics Using Mercury Droplets in Microfluidic Channels — •Shuang Hou, Shashi Thutupalli, and Stephan Herminghaus