15:00 |
DS 29.1 |
In-situ monitoring the growth of sexithiophenyl on Ag(110) by fast reflectance difference spectroscopy — Chunguang Hu, •Lidong Sun, Michael Hohage, and Peter Zeppenfeld
15:00 |
DS 29.2 |
Photoluminescence in coevaporated pentacene- perfluoropentacene films — •Falk Anger, J. Oriol Ossó, Ute Heinemeyer, Katharina Broch, Abel Roigé, Reinhard Scholz, Alexander Gerlach, and Frank Schreiber
15:00 |
DS 29.3 |
Spectroelectrochemical Characterization of Thin Films of Hexadecafluorophthalocyaninatozinc Prepared by Vapour Deposition — •Mareike Falk, Stefanie Nagel, Christopher Keil, and Derck Schlettwein
15:00 |
DS 29.4 |
Model supported generation of Reflection Anisotropy Spectra of copper phthalocyanine films on isotropic and anisotropic silicon substrates — •Falko Seidel, Li Ding, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
15:00 |
DS 29.5 |
Influence of electric and magnetic fields during film growth of phthalocyanines — •Florian Latteyer, Vladimir Plyashkevich, Tamara Basova, Heiko Peisert, and Thomas Chassé
15:00 |
DS 29.6 |
In-situ Optical Spectroscopy During the Growth of Phthalocyanine Thin Films on Single Crystalline Substrates — •Enno Lorenz, André Dragässer, Christopher Keil, Jens Wallys, Martin Eickhoff, and Derck Schlettwein
15:00 |
DS 29.7 |
Structure optimization of pentacene thin film transistors controlled by substrate temperature and annealing — •Tossapol Tippo, Chanchana Thanachayanont, Steffen Schulze, Michael Hietschold, and Apinunt Thanachayanont
15:00 |
DS 29.8 |
Trap-state influence on charge carrier transport in perylene based OTFTs — •Christian Effertz, Ingolf Segger, Philip Schulz, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 29.9 |
Tailoring ferroelectric interfaces: surface modification of PZT mediated through functionalized thiophene derivates — •Peter Milde, Kinga Haubner, Evelyn Jähne, Denny Köhler, Ulrich Zerweck, and Lukas M. Eng
15:00 |
DS 29.10 |
Characterization of various Oligothiophenes for their suitability in organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) — •Vera Hoffmann, Peter Milde, Kinga Haubner, Evelyn Jaehne, Ulrich Zerweck, and Lukas M. Eng
15:00 |
DS 29.11 |
Growth and Structure of tetrazine based organic thin films — •Dominik Meyer, Philip Schulz, Martin Reininghaus, Pierre Audebert, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 29.12 |
Template induced-ordering of perfluoropentacene films — •Tobias Breuer and Gregor Witte
15:00 |
DS 29.13 |
Conductivity improvement of graphite-like ion tracks in tetrahedral amorphous carbon — •Anne-Katrin Nix, Hans-Gregor Gehrke, Johann Krauser, Christina Trautmann, Alois Weidinger, and Hans Hofsäss
15:00 |
DS 29.14 |
Rekristallisation von a-Si– und a-Ge–Nanostrukturen — •Jens Bauer, Chinmay Khare, Michael Weise und Bernd Rauschenbach
15:00 |
DS 29.15 |
Growth of crystalline Ag nanorods by ion beam sputter glancing angle deposition — •Chinmay Khare, Christian Patzig, Jürgen. W Gerlach, Bodo Fuhrmann, Hartmut. S Leipner, and Bernd Rauschenbach
15:00 |
DS 29.16 |
IR studies on the interaction of Ca and Mg with the blue emitter material Ir(cn-pmbic)3 — •Tobias Glaser, Martin Binder, Annemarie Pucci, Christian Lennartz, and Christian Schildknecht
15:00 |
DS 29.17 |
Modification of Au and Si(111):H Surfaces towards Biological Sensing — •Xin Zhang, Guoguang Sun, Karsten Hinrichs, Dana Rosu, Norbert Esser, Marc Hovestaedt, Bernhard Ay, Rudolf Volkmer, Silvia Janietz, and Jörg Rappich
15:00 |
DS 29.18 |
Infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry of organic semiconductor layers — •Robert Lovrinčić, Jens Trollmann, and Annemarie Pucci
15:00 |
DS 29.19 |
Optical properties of single crystalline silicon nanowires — •Gerald Brönstrup and Silke Christiansen
15:00 |
DS 29.20 |
Terahertz Plasmon Dispersion Relation in Layered Semiconductor Structures — •Daniel Dietze, Juraj Darmo, and Karl Unterrainer
15:00 |
DS 29.21 |
Space charge effects and charge injection in organic semiconductors — •Marlis Ortel, Sidhant Bom, Torsten Balster, Benedikt Gburek, and Veit Wagner
15:00 |
DS 29.22 |
Waveguide and surface plasmon losses in organic light-emitting diodes (OLED’s) — •Bert Scholz, Jörg Frischeisen, and Wolfgang Brütting
15:00 |
DS 29.23 |
Simulation of outcoupling efficiencies of OLEDs — •Richard Pfeifer, Beatrice Beyer, Karsten Fehse, and Karl Leo
15:00 |
DS 29.24 |
Investigation of degradation phenomena of blue fluorescent OLEDs — •Ruben Seifert, Sebastian Scholz, Björn Lüssem, and Karl Leo
15:00 |
DS 29.25 |
Integration of non-volatile organic memory devices and organic diodes into a passive matrix crossbar array — •Philipp Sebastian, Hans Kleemann, Björn Lüssem, and Karl Leo
15:00 |
DS 29.26 |
Influence of substrate charge on organic field effect transistors — •Lorenz Kehrer, Christian Melzer, and Heinz von Seggern
15:00 |
DS 29.27 |
Charge transport across Zinc Oxide Field Effect Transistors — •Daniel Walker, Christopher Siol, Christian Meltzer, and Heinz von Seggern
15:00 |
DS 29.28 |
Optimized Adsorption of Sulfonated Phthalocyanines on ZnO Electrodes and Their Characterization in Dye- Sensitized Solar Cells — •Jane Falgenhauer, Thomas Loewenstein, and Derck Schlettwein
15:00 |
DS 29.29 |
DIP based organic photovoltaic cells with high fill factor and high open circuit voltage — •Mark Gruber, Julia Wagner, Andreas Opitz, and Wolfgang Brütting
15:00 |
DS 29.30 |
In-situ Characterization of Evaporated Organic Bulk Heterojunctions During Their Film Growth — •Max Beu, André Dragässer, Christopher Keil, and Derck Schlettwein
15:00 |
DS 29.31 |
Interface properties and electronic structure of PCPDTBT - a promising polymer for organic solar cells — Umut Aygül, •Fotini Petraki, Holger Hintz, Heiko Peisert, and Thomas Chassé
15:00 |
DS 29.32 |
relationship between the morphology and charge transport in the hybrid system composed of conductive polymer and CdSe nanoparticles — •nikolay radychev, irina lokteva, joanna kolny-olesiak, elizabeth von hauff, holger borchert, and jürgen parisi
15:00 |
DS 29.33 |
Changes in inorganic matricees of dye sensitized solar cells during preparation — •Harald Graaf, Carsten Maedler, Thomas Baumgärtel, Franziska Lüttich, Mirko Kehr, and Thorsten Oekermann
15:00 |
DS 29.34 |
Controlling the energy levels at interfaces between conjugated organic materials and electrodes — •Benjamin Bröker, Ralf-Peter Blum, Georg Heimel, Johannes Frisch, Jürgen P. Rabe, Antje Vollmer, Oliver T. Hofmann, Egbert Zojer, Ralph Rieger, Klaus Müllen, and Norbert Koch
15:00 |
DS 29.35 |
Interface recombination effect in modelling the photoelectrical characteristics of P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cells — •Jȩdrzej Szmytkowski
15:00 |
DS 29.36 |
Correlation of morphology, cell architecture and device performance in P3HT/fullerene based organic solar cells — •Ulrich Hörmann, Julia Wagner, Andreas Opitz, Wolfgang Brütting, and Ellen Moons
15:00 |
DS 29.37 |
Investigation and Control of the Nanomorphology in Solution Cast Thin Polymer-Fullerene P3HT:PCBM Films — •Benedikt Brenneis, Benjamin Schmidt-Hansberg, Monamie Sanyal, Esther Barrena, Michael Klein, Philip Scharfer, Dagmar Gerthsen, and Wilhelm Schabel
15:00 |
DS 29.38 |
In-situ AFM study of P3HT:PCBM mixtures during thermal annealing — •Abel Roigé, J. Oriol Ossó, Malte Schmidt, and Mariano Campoy-Quiles
15:00 |
DS 29.39 |
Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy Investigations of Organic thin Films — •Andreas Pavitschitz, Igor Beinik, Markus Kratzer, Christian Teichert, Simone-Viola Radl, Thomas Griesser, and Wolfgang Kern
15:00 |
DS 29.40 |
Influence of Auxiliary Plasma Source on Properties of Photoactive TiO2 Films by MePIII&D — •Altin Gjevori, Dietmar Hirsch, Jurgen W. Gerlach, Darina Manova, and Stephan Mändl
15:00 |
DS 29.41 |
Formation of palladium hydrides in low temperature Ar/H2-plasma — •Harm Wulff, Marion Quaas, Heiko Ahrens, Oxana Ivanova, and Christiane A. Helm
15:00 |
DS 29.42 |
Complementary ion beam analysis and photo electron spectroscopy study of oxygen contamination in epitaxial GdN films on YSZ substrates — •Jürgen W. Gerlach, Walter Assmann, and Bernd Rauschenbach
15:00 |
DS 29.43 |
X-ray Photoelectron Diffraction of Perovskite Oxides — •Mathias Glaser, Christoph Raisch, and Thomas Chassé
15:00 |
DS 29.44 |
Sb-Bi thin films investigated by structural and optical methods — •Anja König, Peter Zalden, Gunnar Bruns, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 29.45 |
Structural and electrical properties of SrTiO3 films grown on CeO2 buffered sapphire — •Eugen Hollmann, Rolf Kutzner, Jurgen Schubert, Gregor Mussler, and Roger Wördenweber
15:00 |
DS 29.46 |
Structure analysis of CoFeB/MgO interfaces by focus series reconstruction — •Henning Schuhmann, Patrick Peretzki, Gerrit Eilers, Michael Seibt, Markus Münzenberg, Volker Drewello, Andy Thomas, and Günter Reiss
15:00 |
DS 29.47 |
Structural optimization of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB TMR elements — •Patrick Peretzki, Vladyslav Zbarskyy, Marvin Walter, Henning Schuhmann, Michael Seibt, and Markus Münzenberg
15:00 |
DS 29.48 |
Strain, stress and structural analysis of manganite and cobaltate thin films — •Thilo Kramer, Mike Vogt, Stefanie A. Wiedigen, Joerg Hoffmann, and Christian Jooss
15:00 |
DS 29.49 |
Plasma treatment of polydimethylsiloxane thin films — •Vladimir Danilov, Jürgen Meichsner, and Hans-Erich Wagner
15:00 |
DS 29.50 |
Characterization of Plasma Polymerized Ethylenediamine Thin Films for Biomedical Applications — •Frank Wienholtz, Holger Testrich, and Jürgen Meichsner
15:00 |
DS 29.51 |
Organic molecular beam deposition of organic radicals — •Sabine-A. Savu, Indro Biswas, Donella Rovai, Lorenzo Sorace, Matteo Mannini, Andrea Caneschi, Antje Vollmer, M. Benedetta Casu, and Thomas Chassé
15:00 |
DS 29.52 |
Investigation of the chemical and electronic structure of CoPc from sub-monolayer to thick films by photoemission spectroscopy — •Uwe Treske, Feng Zhu, Mandy Grobosch, and Martin Knupfer
15:00 |
DS 29.53 |
Anomalous hysteresis loops measured by magneto-optical Kerr effect in Ni/rubrene bilayers — •Wen Li, Michael Fronk, Felix Springer, Hartmut Kupfer, Steffen Schulze, Michael Hietschold, Manfred Albrecht, Dietrich R. T. Zahn, and Georgeta Salvan
15:00 |
DS 29.54 |
Identifikation of molecular orbitals of FePc near the chemical potential. — •Friedrich Roth, Andreas König, Roberto Kraus, Mandy Grobosch, Thomas Kroll, Martin Knupfer, and Bernd Büchner
15:00 |
DS 29.55 |
Electronic excitations of potassium doped MnPc — •Benjamin Mahns, Friedrich Roth, Andreas König, Roberto Kraus, Mandy Grobosch, Sven Partzsch, Martin Knupfer, and Bernd Büchner
15:00 |
DS 29.56 |
Determination of the spin and orbital ground state of transition metal phthalocyanines — •Thomas Kroll, Roberto Kraus, Mandy Grobosch, Olga V. Molodtsova, Victor Yu. Aristov, Patrick Hoffmann, and Martin Knupfer