DS 3: Organic Electronics and Photovoltaics I (Joint Session DS/CPP/HL/O)
Montag, 22. März 2010, 10:15–12:30, H8
10:15 |
DS 3.1 |
Colour tuneable light-emitting transistor — •Eva J. Feldmeier, Christian Melzer, and Heinz von Seggern
10:30 |
DS 3.2 |
Improved transport properties of p-i-i small molecule solar cells deposited on heated substrates — •Steffen Pfuetzner, Karl Leo, and Moritz Riede
10:45 |
DS 3.3 |
Analysis of Chemical Degradation Mechanism of Phosphorescent Organic Light Emitting Devices by Laser-Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry — •Ines Rabelo de Moraes, Sebastian Scholz, Björn Lüssem, and Karl Leo
11:00 |
DS 3.4 |
Spatially resolved, polarization dependent absorption and photocurrent measurements of pentacene based OFETs — •Christian Westermeier, Matthias Fiebig, and Bert Nickel
11:15 |
DS 3.5 |
In-situ Analysis of Charge Carrier Mobility in Field Effect Transistors During Organic Semiconductor Deposition — •Christopher Keil, Dominik Klaus, Jan Hartel, and Derck Schlettwein
11:30 |
DS 3.6 |
Investigation of contact properties of organic field effect transistors — •M. Grobosch, I. Hörselmann, S. Scheinert, M. Knupfer, and G. Paasch
11:45 |
DS 3.7 |
Improving the mobility of the CuPc OFETs by variing the substrate preparation — •Iulia G. Korodi, Daniel Lehmann, Michael Hietschold, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
12:00 |
DS 3.8 |
Electrical characterization of operating OFETs using Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy — •Franziska Lüttich, Harald Graaf, Iulia G. Korodi, Daniel Lehmann, Dietrich R. T. Zahn, and Christian von Borczyskowski
12:15 |
DS 3.9 |
Experimental study and time dependent modeling of OFETs with solid electrolyte gate dielectrics — •Katharina Schätzler, Klaus Schmidt, Walter Fix, Gottfried Döhler, and Heiko Weber