DS 35: Biomolecular and Functional Organic Layers I (Focused Session)
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 17:15–19:00, H2
17:15 |
DS 35.1 |
Topical Talk:
Surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy - pushing the detection limit towards zeptomolar sensitivity — •Frank Neubrech, Daniel Weber, Jörg Bochterle, and Annemarie Pucci
17:45 |
DS 35.2 |
Optical Characterization of Cytosine Thin Films — •Dana M. Rosu, Simona Pop, Norbert Esser, and Karsten Hinrichs
18:00 |
DS 35.3 |
IR Spectroscopic Characterization of Carboxyl Acid-terminated Au Surfaces: Towards Biosensors — •Guoguang Sun, Marc Hovestädt, Xin Zhang, Dana Maria Rosu, Bernhard Ay, Rudolf Volkmer, Jörg Rappich, and Karsten Hinrichs
18:15 |
DS 35.4 |
Optical Properties of Thin Films of ZnTPP oligomers — •Simona Pop, Mathias Senge, Oliver Locos, Karsten Hinrichs, Xin Zhang, Jörg Rappich, Christoph Cobet, and Norbert Esser
18:30 |
DS 35.5 |
Topical Talk:
Infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry for the in-situ investigation of responsive polymer brushes — •Dennis Aulich, Eva Bittrich, Klaus-Jochen Eichhorn, Petra Uhlmann, Manfred Stamm, Martin Brücher, Roland Hergenröder, Olha Hoy, Igor Luzinov, Norbert Esser, and Karsten Hinrichs