DS 36: Thin Film Characterisation: Structure Analyse and Composition (XRD, TEM, XPS, SIMS, RBS, ...) I
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 09:30–11:00, H8
09:30 |
DS 36.1 |
GD OES analysis of thin film samples with application of pulsed discharge. — •Varvara Efimova, Volker Hoffmann, and Jürgen Eckert
09:45 |
DS 36.2 |
Structural investigations of the grain growth induced by focused-ion-beam irradiation in thin magnetic films — •Olga Roshchupkina, Jörg Grenzer, Monika Fritzsche, and Jürgen Fassbender
10:00 |
DS 36.3 |
Surface characterization after subaperture Reactive Ion Beam Etching — •André Miessler, Thomas Arnold, and Bernd Rauschenbach
10:15 |
DS 36.4 |
RBS and resonant scattering analysis of thin oxidic films prepared by sputtering — •Dieter Mergel, Hans-Werner Becker, and Detlef Rogalla
10:30 |
DS 36.5 |
A New High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope for the in-situ investigation of ion beam modifications of solid surfaces — •Wolfgang Bolse, Sankarakumar Amirthapnadian, and Florian Schuchart
10:45 |
DS 36.6 |
Structure of Co/Pt multilayers on gold particle arrays — •Herbert Schletter, Carsten Schulze, Denys Makarov, Alan Craven, Sam McFadzean, Manfred Albrecht, and Michael Hietschold