DS 37: Thin Film Characterisation: Structure Analyse and Composition (XRD, TEM, XPS, SIMS, RBS, ...) II
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 11:15–12:45, H8
11:15 |
DS 37.1 |
Rare-Earth-Oxide Ultrathin Films — •Maraike Ahlf, Marvin Zöllner, Mareike Ahlers, Mathias Wickleder, and Katharina Al-Shamery
11:30 |
DS 37.2 |
GIXRF in the soft X-Ray range used for the characterization of ultra shallow junctions — •Burkhard Beckhoff, Philipp Hönicke, Damiano Giubertoni, and Giancarlo Pepponi
11:45 |
DS 37.3 |
Advanced species depth-profiling with a photon-in photon-out method — •Beatrix Pollakowski and Burkhard Beckhoff
12:00 |
DS 37.4 |
Oberflächenanalyse von hocheffizienten Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solarzellenabsorberschichten — •J. Lehmann, S. Lehmann, S. Sadewasser, C.A. Kaufmann, T. Rissom, R. Caballero, A. Grimm, I. Lauermann und M.Ch. Lux-Steiner
12:15 |
DS 37.5 |
Kationenordnung in LaSrCoO3−x Schichten auf SrTiO3 — •Wolfgang Donner, Allan Jacobson und Chonglin Chen
12:30 |
DS 37.6 |
Coincident Doppler Broadening measurement on embedded thin layers of different materials with a positron beam of variable energy — •Philip Pikart, Christoph Hugenschmidt, and Klaus Schreckenbach