DS 44: Organic Thin Films I
Freitag, 26. März 2010, 10:15–11:45, H8
10:15 |
DS 44.1 |
Charge Transport Investigation in Organic Semiconductors by Electro-Reflectance — •Steve Pittner and Veit Wagner
10:30 |
DS 44.2 |
Simultaneous in-situ real-time measurements of X-ray reflectivity and optical spectra of organic semiconductor thin film during growth — •Takuya Hosokai, Alexander Gerlach, Alexander Hinderhofer, Christian Frank, Ute Heinemeyer, and Frank Schreiber
10:45 |
DS 44.3 |
In-situ Photoconduction Measurements of Mixed Films to Detect Isolated Clusters of Molecular Semiconductors — •Dominik Klaus, Christopher Keil, and Derck Schlettwein
11:00 |
DS 44.4 |
Coupling effects in heterostructures of Pentacene and perfluorinated Pentacene studied by optical spectroscopy — •Katharina Broch, Ute Heinemeyer, Alexander Hinderhofer, Falk Anger, Oriol Ossó, Reinhard Scholz, Alexander Gerlach, and Frank Schreiber
11:15 |
DS 44.5 |
In Situ Spectroscopic Investigation of CuPc Thin Films Grown on Vicinal Si(111) — •Li Ding, Marion Friedrich, Ovidiu Gordan, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
11:30 |
DS 44.6 |
Model simulations of magneto-optical Kerr effect spectra of organic films — •Klaus Seidel, Michael Fronk, Dietrich R. T. Zahn, and Georgeta Salvan