DS 5: Nanoengineered Thin Films
Montag, 22. März 2010, 15:45–17:15, H8
15:45 |
DS 5.1 |
Artificial granularity of two-dimensional arrays of nanodots prepared by electron-beam-induced-deposition (EBID) — •Fabrizio Porrati, Roland Sachser, Mike Strauss, Iryna Andrusenko, Tatiana Gorelik, Ute Kolb, and Michael Huth
16:00 |
DS 5.2 |
Strain-dependent conductivity of granular metals prepared by focused particle beam induced deposition — •Christina Grimm, Markus Baranowski, Friedemann Völklein, and Michael Huth
16:15 |
DS 5.3 |
Direct comparision of large scale simulation of nanostructuring of metals with the experiment — •Dmitry Ivanov and Baerbel Rethfeld
16:30 |
DS 5.4 |
Thin films of CoFe2O4, ZnO, and BaTiO3 patterned by micromoulding — •Ole F. Göbel, Tomasz Stawski, Sjoerd Veldhuis, Dave H.A. Blank, and Johan E. ten Elshof
16:45 |
DS 5.5 |
Diffuse Röntgenstreuung an Dünnschichtsystemen — •Malte Ernst, Dieter Lott, Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner und Andreas Schreyer
17:00 |
DS 5.6 |
High Temperature Interface Superconductivity — •Gennady Logvenov, Ivan Bozovic, and Adrian Gozar