DS 6: [HL] Organic Semiconductors: Solar Cells (Joint Session DS/CPP/HL/O)
Montag, 22. März 2010, 16:00–17:45, H15
16:00 |
DS 6.1 |
Pulsed Photocurrent Measurements in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells — •Markus Mingebach, Moritz Limpinsel, Alexander Wagenpfahl, Alexander Goldmann, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov
16:15 |
DS 6.2 |
Analytical analysis of the CELIV theory — •Jens Lorrmann, Bekele Homa Badada, Carsten Deibel, Olle Inganäs, and Vladimir Dyakonov
16:30 |
DS 6.3 |
Oxygen Induced Degradation of P3HT:PCBM Solar Cells — •Julia Schafferhans, Stefan Neugebauer, Andreas Baumann, Alexander Wagenpfahl, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov
16:45 |
DS 6.4 |
Polaron Recombination Dynamics in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells — •Andreas Baumann, Alexander Wagenpfahl, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov
17:00 |
DS 6.5 |
Relation of open circuit voltage to charge carrier concentration in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells — •Daniel Rauh, Alexander Wagenpfahl, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov
17:15 |
DS 6.6 |
Charge Carrier Concentration and Temperature Dependent Recombination in Polymer-Fullerene Solar Cells — •Alexander Foertig, Andreas Baumann, Daniel Rauh, Thiemo Gerbich, Vladimir Dyakonov, and Carsten Deibel
17:30 |
DS 6.7 |
Charge Carrier Generation Yield in Organic Solar Cells using a C80 Derivative as Acceptor — •Moritz Liedtke, Andreas Sperlich, Hannes Kraus, Andreas Baumann, Carsten Deibel, Vladimir Dyakonov, and Claudia Cardona