15:00 |
DS 9.1 |
Nanocomposite thin films prepared by co-sputtering and via deposition from a cluster source — •Tilo Peter, Sven Bornholdt, Matthias Wolter, Thomas Strunskus, Vladimir Zaporojtchenko, Holger Kersten, and Franz Faupel
15:00 |
DS 9.2 |
Spatially and time-resolved optical emission spectroscopy of mid-frequency pulsed PECVD — •Marcus Günther, Siegfried Peter, and Frank Richter
15:00 |
DS 9.3 |
Optimizing the PECVD-process for low temperature growth of carbon nanotubes — •Kerstin Schneider, Michael Häffner, Boris Stamm, Monika Fleischer, Claus Burkhardt, Alfred Stett, and Dieter Kern
15:00 |
DS 9.4 |
Formation mechanism of noble metal nanoparticles in reactively sputtered TiO2 films — John Okumu, Dominik Köhl, Alexander Sprafke, •Hendrik Holzapfel, Gero von Plessen, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 9.5 |
Inkjet printed organic layers on planar and microstructured flexible substrates for organic thin film devices — •Peter Lewer, Kerstin Schulze, Silvia Janietz, Felix Stelzl, Chegnui Bekeny, and Uli Würfel
15:00 |
DS 9.6 |
Structure formation at organic-inorganic interfaces — •Florian Szillat and Stefan G. Mayr
15:00 |
DS 9.7 |
Condensation of silicon monoxide on Si(111) studied by infrared spectroscopy for different substrate temperatures — Steffen Wetzel, •Markus Klevenz, and Annemarie Pucci
15:00 |
DS 9.8 |
Self-assembly of CF-polymer films on SiO2 (001) from first-principles calculations — •Oliver Böhm, Roman Leitsmann, Philipp Plänitz, Christian Radehaus, Michael Schreiber, and Matthias Schaller
15:00 |
DS 9.9 |
Annealing of Silicon Nanopatterns — •Monika Fritzsche, Adrian Keller, Stefan Facsko, Kilian Lenz, and Jürgen Fassbender
15:00 |
DS 9.10 |
Multiscale nanostructuring of Si surfaces combining top-down and bottom-up techniques — •Bashkim Ziberi, Frank Frost, Klaus Zimmer, and Bernd Rauschenbach
15:00 |
DS 9.11 |
Smoothening and patterning of Si surfaces produced by metal surfactant sputtering — •Kun Zhang and Hans Hofsäss
15:00 |
DS 9.12 |
Electrodeposition of ZnO for dye-sensitized cells on corrosion-resistive metal wires — •Kerstin Strauch, Melanie Rudolph, Thomas Loewenstein, and Derck Schlettwein
15:00 |
DS 9.13 |
Texturing of ZnO films on glass for use as a light-scattering layer in micromorphous silicon thin film solar cells — •Kambulakwao Chakanga
15:00 |
DS 9.14 |
Proton Beam Writing — •Martina Schulte-Borchers, Ulrich Vetter, and Hans Hofsäss
15:00 |
DS 9.15 |
Correlation between Ion Bombardment, Lattice Expansion and Nitrogen Content After Nitriding of Austenitic Stainless Steel — •Darina Manova, Jürgen W. Gerlach, Stephan Mändl, and Horst Neumann
15:00 |
DS 9.16 |
XPS Analysis of Phase Formation after Nitrogen Insertion in CoCr and FeCrNi Alloys — •Johanna Lutz, Jürgen W. Gerlach, and Stephan Mändl
15:00 |
DS 9.17 |
Electrical properties of phase change materials along the pseudo binary line between GeTe and SnTe analysed with temperature dependent Hall effect measurements — •Felix Lange, Hanno Volker, Carl Schlockermann, Jenni Karvonen, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 9.18 |
Field effect in GeTe thin films — •Hanno Volker, Carl Schlockermann, Daniel Krebs, Jörn Riedel, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 9.19 |
Investigation of the electrical properties of lithographically structured gold wires — •Kathrin Krüger, Peter Jost, Carl Schlockermann, Philipp Merkelbach, Karl Simon Siegert, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 9.20 |
The influence of Sb clusters on electrical characteristics in organic-semiconductor structures — •Markus Arnold, Yue Huang, Axel Fechner, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
15:00 |
DS 9.21 |
Surface Enhanced Raman Effect of Silver Nanoparticle Covered Substrates Prepared by Nanosphere Lithography — •Michael Ludemann, Philipp Schäfer, Christoph Brombacher, Ovidiu Gordan, Manfred Albrecht, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
15:00 |
DS 9.22 |
Electrical Resistivity and Hydrogen Solubility of PdHc Thin Films — •Stefan Wagner and Astrid Pundt
15:00 |
DS 9.23 |
Conducting ion track in tetrahedral amorphous carbon films — •Hans-Gregor Gehrke, Anne-Katrin Nix, Johann Krauser, Christina Trautmann, Alois Weidinger, and Hans Hofsäss
15:00 |
DS 9.24 |
A novel setup for thermopower measurements on thin films — •Peter Jost, Carl Schlockermann, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 9.25 |
Electrical and thermal conductivity of individual cylindric nickel nanowires — •Johannes Kimling and Kornelius Nielsch
15:00 |
DS 9.26 |
Thermal characterization of ZnS:SiO2 — •Karl Simon Siegert, Carl Schlockermann, Philipp Merkelbach, Hanno Volker, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 9.27 |
Optical analysis of ZnS:SiO2 used as a Capping layer for phase change alloys — •Stephanie Grothe, Peter Jost, Michael Woda, Jenni Karvonen, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 9.28 |
Sb doped SnO2: attractive alternative TCO material for ITO — •Janika Boltz, Dominik Koehl, and Matthias Wuttig
15:00 |
DS 9.29 |
Spectroscopic Characterisation of Amorphous Silicon Thin Films — •Philipp Schäfer, Frank Nobis, Hartmut Kupfer, Frank Richter, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
15:00 |
DS 9.30 |
The optical properties of boron carbide near boron K-edge inside periodical multilayers — •Dmitriy Ksenzov, Christoph Schlemper, and Ullrich Pietsch
15:00 |
DS 9.31 |
Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Investigation of Ultrathin Nb2O5 and Nb2O5/Al2O3 Layers — Marion Friedrich, Yue Huang, Yan Xu, Shi-Jin Ding, Li Ding, Ovidiu Gordan, and •Dietrich R. T. Zahn
15:00 |
DS 9.32 |
Vibrational Modes of thin Silicon Membranes — •Reimar Waitz, Olivier Schecker, and Elke Scheer
15:00 |
DS 9.33 |
Preparation and investigation of epitaxial grown CaRuO3 / SrTiO3/ CaRuO3 - structures — •Janine Fischer, Veit Große, Andreas Siebert, Frank Schmidl, and Paul Seidel
15:00 |
DS 9.34 |
Properties of YSZ thin films prepared by RF sputter deposition using a ceramic target — •Benjamin Pachner, Angelika Polity, Sven Ole Steinmüller, and Jürgen Janek
15:00 |
DS 9.35 |
Characterization of magnetron sputtered doped amorphous Silicon films — •Frank Nobis, Philipp Schäfer, Hartmut Kupfer, Frank Richter, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
15:00 |
DS 9.36 |
Mechanical and tribological properties of thin sputtered a-C and CNx layers on polymer substrates — •Zdenek Stryhal, Arndt Schumann, Hartmut Kupfer, Frank Richter, and Jens Sumpf
15:00 |
DS 9.37 |
Growth and characterization of a copper/cobalt heterostructure on Cu(100) — •Philipp Kloth, Martin Wenderoth, Henning Prüser, and Rainer G. Ulbrich
15:00 |
DS 9.38 |
Deposition of multi-structural biocompatible thin films with an antimicrobial effect by pulsed magnetron sputtering — •Vitezslav Stranak, Marion Quaas, Martin Cada, Zdenek Hubicka, Carmen Zietz, Kathleen Arndt, Rainer Bader, Andre Podbielski, and Rainer Hippler
15:00 |
DS 9.39 |
Structural and electrical properties of sol-gel derived Ge nanocrystals in thin SiO2 layers — •Sebastian Knebel, Agathi Kyriaikidou, Hartmut Bracht, Harald Rösner, and Gerhard Wilde
15:00 |
DS 9.40 |
Focusing Neutron Beams to Sub-Millimeter Size — •roxana valicu and peter böni
15:00 |
DS 9.41 |
Synthesis and characterization of ion-conducting lithium phosphorus oxynitride thin Films — •Eric Hofmann, Thomas Leichtweiss, Angelika Polity, and Bruno K. Meyer
15:00 |
DS 9.42 |
Characterization of Ion- bombardment induced modifications of periodic La/B4C-multilayer-mirrors for the reflection of soft X-ray radiation — •Fabian Merschjohann, Maike Laß, Lennart Gorholt, Marc D. Sacher, Franz Schäfers und Ulrich Heinzmann
15:00 |
DS 9.43 |
X-ray waveguides fabricated by thin film techniques — •Sven Philip Krüger, Giewekemeyer Klaus, Kalbfleisch Sebastian, Henrike Neubauer, and Tim Salditt
15:00 |
DS 9.44 |
Multilayer Bragg Fresnel Zone Plate for coherent HHG radiation — •Christian Späth, Michael Hofstetter, Jürgen Schmidt, Ferenc Krausz, and Ulf Kleineberg
15:00 |
DS 9.45 |
Preparation of a heater and sensor arrangement on Si3N4 thin membranes for in-plane thermal conductivity measurements — •David Hartung, Torsten Henning, and Peter J. Klar
15:00 |
DS 9.46 |
3ω measurements of thermal conductivity in oxide thin films — •Stefanie Wiedigen, Manuel Feuchter, Christian Jooss, and Marc Kamlah
15:00 |
DS 9.47 |
Modelling thermoelectric properties of ZnO/ZnS multilayer systems with a network model — •Florian Gather, Gert Homm, Markus Piechotka, Christian Heiliger, Peter J. Klar, and Bruno K. Meyer
15:00 |
DS 9.48 |
Ab initio investigations of ZnO/ZnS interfaces — •Michael Bachmann, Robert Henrich, and Christian Heiliger
15:00 |
DS 9.49 |
Thermoelectric properties of silicon nano pillars — •Andrej Stranz, Ünsal Sökmen, Andreas Waag, and Erwin Peiner
15:00 |
DS 9.50 |
Thermoelectric properties of hot wall deposited thin SnS films — •Dzianis M. Unuchak, Vasil A. Ivanov, Valeriy F. Gremenok, and Klaus Bente
15:00 |
DS 9.51 |
Properties of thin films and bulk of Pb1−xSn1+xX2 (X=S, Se) mixed crystals — •Vera Lazenka, Klaus Bente, and Valery Gremenok
15:00 |
DS 9.52 |
Thermoelectric properties of ball-milled and subsequent short-term sintered Inx Co4 Sb12 skutterudites — •Andreas Sesselmann, Ralf Hassdorf, Lothar Böttcher, Christian Stiewe, Andreas Schmitz, and Eckard Müller
15:00 |
DS 9.53 |
Complex Chalcogenides for Thermoelectrics: Microstructural-Property Relationship — •Susanne Perlt and Thomas Höche