DY 13: Granular Matter/ Contact Dynamics II
Mittwoch, 24. März 2010, 09:30–12:30, H47
09:30 |
DY 13.1 |
Glass transition in driven granular fluids — •Annette Zippelius, Till Kranz, and Matthias Sperl
10:00 |
DY 13.2 |
Glass-Transition for Dissipative Systems under Driving — •Till Kranz, Matthias Sperl, and Annette Zippelius
10:15 |
DY 13.3 |
Driven two-dimensional granular fluids exhibit precursors to glass transition — •Iraj Gholami, Andrea Fiege, and Annette Zippelius
10:30 |
DY 13.4 |
Networks of Wet Elastic Cylinders — •Ohle Claussen, Martin Brinkmann, and Stephan Herminghaus
10:45 |
DY 13.5 |
Fluidization of wet granulates under shear — Seyed H. Ebrahimnazhad Rahbari, Juergen Vollmer, Stephan Herminghaus, and •Martin Brinkmann
11:00 |
DY 13.6 |
Acceleration, Clustering and Superlong Transients in a Billiard Model for Wet Granular Matter — Franziska Glaßmeier, Diego Fregolente, Martin Brinkmann, and •Jürgen Vollmer
11:15 |
DY 13.7 |
Structure Factors of Driven Granular Fluids underlying Stokes Drag — •Andrea Fiege, Timo Aspelmeier, and Annette Zippelius
11:30 |
DY 13.8 |
Shear Band Patterns in Biaxial Shear Tests of Granular Materials — •Thomas Stegmann, Janos Török, Lothar Brendel, and Dietrich E. Wolf
11:45 |
DY 13.9 |
Yield stress and shear modulus in frictional granular packing — •Jean-Francois Metayer, Donald Trey Suntrup III, Harry Swinney, Charles Radin, and Matthias Schroeter
12:00 |
DY 13.10 |
Local Anisotropy in jammed spherical bead packs — •Gerd E. Schröder-Turk, Walter Mickel, Mohammad Saadatfar, Tim Senden, Matthias Schröter, Gary Delaney, Klaus Mecke, and Tomaso Aste
12:15 |
DY 13.11 |
Unjamming of granular packings due to local perturbations — •reza shaebani, tamas unger, dietrich wolf, and janos kertesz