14:00 |
DY 19.1 |
Topical Talk:
Chaotic Scattering in Microwave Billiards With and Without Time-Reversal Invariance — •Barbara Dietz, Thomas Friedrich, Hanns L. Harney, Maksim Miski-Oglu, Achim Richter, Florian Schäfer, and Hans A. Weidenmüller
14:30 |
DY 19.2 |
Geometric Phases of Exceptional Points in Time-Reversal Noninvariant Systems — Stefan Bittner, Barbara Dietz-Pilatus, Pedro Oria Iriarte, Maksim Miski-Oglu, Achim Richter, Hans A. Weidenmüller, Hanns L. Harney, and •Florian Schäfer
14:45 |
DY 19.3 |
Semiclassical Transport and Diffraction Effects in Circular Billiards — •Tobias Dollinger, Daniel Waltner, Iva Březinová, Michael Wimmer, Klaus Richter, and Joachim Burgdörfer
15:00 |
DY 19.4 |
Trace Formula for Dielectric Cavities — •Stefan Bittner, Barbara Dietz, Maksim Miski-Oglu, Pedro Oria-Iriarte, Birgit Quast, Achim Richter, and Florian Schäfer
15:15 |
DY 19.5 |
Fractal Weyl law in a three-disk microwave system — •Alexander Potzuweit, Ulrich Kuhl, and Hans-Jürgen Stöckmann
15:30 |
DY 19.6 |
Regular-to-Chaotic Tunneling Rates: From the Quantum to the Semiclassical Regime — •Steffen Löck, Arnd Bäcker, Roland Ketzmerick, and Peter Schlagheck
15:45 |
DY 19.7 |
Dynamical tunneling in 4D area preserving maps — Arnd Bäcker, Roland Ketzmerick, and •Martin Richter
16:00 |
15 min. break
16:15 |
DY 19.8 |
Levy distribution in many-body quantum systems — •Sergey Denisov, Alexey V. Ponomarev, and Peter Hanggi
16:30 |
DY 19.9 |
Signatures of quantum chaos in mesoscopic many-body effects — •Martina Hentschel and Georg Röder
16:45 |
DY 19.10 |
Increase of conductance fluctuations with Ehrenfest time in presence of tunnel barriers — •Daniel Waltner, Jack Kuipers, Cyril Petitjean, Philippe Jacquod, and Klaus Richter
17:00 |
DY 19.11 |
Coupling fidelity in a microwave billiard — •Bernd Köber, Ulrich Kuhl, Hans-Jürgen Stöckmann, Dmitry Savin, Thomas Gorin, and Thomas Seligman
17:15 |
DY 19.12 |
The density of states of chaotic Andreev Billiards — •Thomas Engl, Jack Kuipers, and Klaus Richter
17:30 |
DY 19.13 |
Moments of the Wigner delay times — Gregory Berkolaiko and •Jack Kuipers
17:45 |
DY 19.14 |
Fano resonances under the influence of absorption or decoherence — •Stefan Gehler, Ulrich Kuhl, Hans-Jürgen Stöckmann, Andreas Bärnthaler, Stefan Rotter, Florian Libisch, and Joachim Burgdörfer
18:00 |
DY 19.15 |
Transport and weak localisation of Bose-Einstein condensates in two-dimensional billiards — •Timo Hartmann, Juan Diego Urbina, Cyril Petitjean, Klaus Richter, and Peter Schlagheck