HL 24: Quantum Dots and Wires, Optical Properties II: Single Photon Sources
Dienstag, 23. März 2010, 11:30–12:45, H17
11:30 |
HL 24.1 |
Electrically driven quantum dot-micropillar single photon source with 34% overall efficiency — •Tobias Heindel, Christian Schneider, Matthias Lermer, Soon-Hong Kwon, Tristan Braun, Stephan Reitzenstein, Sven Höfling, Martin Kamp, Lukas Worschech, and Alfred Forchel
11:45 |
HL 24.2 |
Quantum-dot-based, electrically-driven single-photon sources with 1 GHz excitation rate and with site-controlled quantum dot — •Jan A. Töfflinger, Erik Stock, Anatol Lochmann, Waldemar Unrau, Dieter Bimberg, Askhat K. Bakarov, Aleksandr I. Toropov, Aleksandr K. Kalagin, Vladimir A. Haisler, Paola Atkinson, and Oliver G. Schmidt
12:00 |
HL 24.3 |
Triggered single–photon emission from electrically driven InP/(Al,Ga)InP quantum dots — •Christian Kessler, Matthias Reischle, Wolfgang-Michael Schulz, Marcus Eichfelder, Robert Roßbach, Michael Jetter, and Peter Michler
12:15 |
HL 24.4 |
Nanowire quantum dots as an ideal source of entangled photon pairs — •Ranber Singh and Gabriel Bester
12:30 |
HL 24.5 |
Coherent optoelectronic manipulation of single excitons — •Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Simon Gordon, Dirk Mantei, Max Bichler, Torsten Meier, and Artur Zrenner