18:30 |
HL 31.1 |
Quantum Electrodynamics on a Chip — •Peiqing Jin, Alessandro Romito, Jared Cole, Alexander Shnirman, and Gerd Schön
18:30 |
HL 31.2 |
Small and large signal analysis of quantum dot lasers — •Roland Aust, Christian Otto, Joshua Horowitz, Kathy Lüdge, and Eckehard Schöll
18:30 |
HL 31.3 |
Cavity design and heat management in Vertical-External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) — •Jens Herrmann, Alexej Chernikov, Martin Koch, Tsuei-Lian Wang, Yushi Kaneda, Mike Yarborough, Jörg Hader, Jerome V. Moloney, Bernardette Kunert, Wolfgang Stolz, Sangam Chatterjee, and Stephan W. Koch
18:30 |
HL 31.4 |
Design and Characterisation of InGaN-based vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers — •Ralph Debusmann, Nacef Dhidah, Veit Hoffmann, Leonhard Weixelbaum, Uwe Brauch, Markus Weyers, Michael Kneissl, and Patrick Vogt
18:30 |
HL 31.5 |
Micro-Printing Setup for Selective Biofunctionalization of Micro-Resonators — •Julian Fischer, Torsten Beck, Simone Schleede, Mario Hauser, Tobias Grossmann, Christoph Vannahme, Timo Mappes, and Heinz Kalt
18:30 |
HL 31.6 |
Oxygen vacancies in ultrathin gate dielectric of MOSFETs and their influence on the leakage current: an ab initio investigation — •Ebrahim Nadimi, Philipp Plänitz, Christian Radehaus, and Michael Schreiber
18:30 |
HL 31.7 |
High-gain integrated inverters based on ZnO MESFET technology — •Friedrich Schein, Heiko Frenzel, Alexander Lajn, Holger von Wenckstern, Michael Lorenz, and Marius Grundmann
18:30 |
HL 31.8 |
Characterization of interface traps in stable and efficient Tb-implanted SiO2 light-emitting devices — •Michael Seeger, Lars Rebohle, Jan Lehmann, Wolfgang Skorupa, Manfred Helm, and Heidemarie Schmidt
18:30 |
HL 31.9 |
Analyse der Verstärkungs- und Rekombinationsprozesse in blauen InGaN Laserdioden mittels Kleinsignalmodulationsmessungen — •Jens Müller, Manfred Scheubeck, Sönke Tautz, Georg Brüderl, Sarah Fröhlich, Dimitri Dini, Andreas Breidenassel, Teresa Lermer und Stephan Lutgen
18:30 |
HL 31.10 |
Crack-free AlGaN-based UV LED on Si(111) substrate — •P. Saengkaew, A. Dadgar, J. Bläsing, H. Witte, M. Müller, K. M. Günther, T. Fey, B. Bastek, F. Bertram, M. v. Kurnatowski, M. Wieneke, T. Hempel, P. Veit, R. Clos, J. Christen, and A. Krost
18:30 |
HL 31.11 |
AlInN-BASIERTE HYBRIDE VCSEL STRUKTUREN — •Pascal Moser., Armin Dadgar, Alexander Franke, Jürgen Bläsing, Thomas Hempel, Jürgen Christen und Alois Krost
18:30 |
HL 31.12 |
Enhanced light emission from nitride based UV light-emitting diodes using multifinger contact geometry — •M. Hoppe, N. Lobo, H. Rodriguez, A. Knauer, V. Küller, P. Vogt, S. Einfeldt, M. Weyers, and M. Kneissl
18:30 |
HL 31.13 |
Electrical characterization of metal contacts on p-doped Galliumnitride nanowires — •Jörg Kinzel, Ahsan Nawaz, Jens Ebbecke, Raffaella Calarco, Toma Stoica, Hubert Krenner, and Achim Wixforth
18:30 |
HL 31.14 |
Analysis of contact resistance for p-type GaN — •Majdi Salman, Uwe Rossow, and Andreas Hangleiter
18:30 |
HL 31.15 |
Combining shallow etched quantum wires and sub-micron top gates for acoustoelectric quantum devices — •Marcin Malecha, Hubert J. Krenner, Jens Ebbecke, and Achim Wixforth
18:30 |
HL 31.16 |
Mg-doped GaN nanowires: Their optical and morphological properties — •Friederich Limbach, Toma Stoica, Roberta Caterino, Eike Oliver Schäfer-Nolte, Tobias Gotschke, Eli Sutter, and Raffaella Calarco
18:30 |
HL 31.17 |
Selective area growth of InAs nanowires by molecular beam epitaxy — •Christian Blömers, Mihail Ion Lepsa, Thomas Grap, Thomas Schäpers, Hans Lüth, and Detlev Grützmacher
18:30 |
HL 31.18 |
Fabrication and electrical characterization of silicon nanowires synthesized via electroless etching method — •Guodong Yuan, Saskia F. fischer, Dennis König, and Alfred Ludwig
18:30 |
HL 31.19 |
Individual GaAs nanorods imaged by coherent X-ray diffraction — Ullrich Pietsch, •Andreas Biermanns, Anton Davydok, Hendrik Paetzelt, Ana Diaz, Volker Gottschalch, and Hartmut Metzger
18:30 |
HL 31.20 |
Influence of SiO2 matrices on electronic and optical properties of silicon nanocrystals — •Kaori Seino, Friedhelm Bechstedt, and Peter Kroll
18:30 |
HL 31.21 |
Ion beam doped semiconductor nanowires for energy applications — •Steffen Milz, Vladimir Sivakov, Gerald Brönstrup, Martin Gnauck, Raphael Niepelt, Silke Christiansen, and Carsten Ronning
18:30 |
HL 31.22 |
Ion Beam Induced Alignment of Semiconductor Nanowires — Christian Borschel, •Susann Spindler, Raphael Niepelt, Sebastian Geburt, Christoph Gutsche, Ingo Regolin, Werner Prost, Franz-Josef Tegude, Daniel Stichtenoth, Daniel Schwen, and Carsten Ronning
18:30 |
HL 31.23 |
Nanostructured Graphene Devices — •Jan Dauber, Bernat Terres, and Christoph Stampfer
18:30 |
HL 31.24 |
Magnetotransportmeasurements on epitaxially grown GaAs/(Ga,Mn)As core-shell nanowires — •Christian Butschkow, Stefan Geissler, Silvia Schmidmeier, Andreas Rudolph, Dieter Schuh, Elisabeth Reiger, Matthias Kießling, Christian Back, and Dieter Weiss
18:30 |
HL 31.25 |
Phonon-mediated vs. Coulombic Back-Action in Quantum Dot circuits — •Daniel Harbusch, Daniela Taubert, Peter Tranitz, Werner Wegscheider, and Stefan Ludwig
18:30 |
HL 31.26 |
Scattering of hot electrons in 1D versus 2D — •Daniela Taubert, Georg Schinner, Hans-Peter Tranitz, Werner Wegscheider, and Stefan Ludwig
18:30 |
HL 31.27 |
Temperature dependent study of counting statistics of electron transport through a quantum dot — •Nandhavel Sethubalasubramanian, Lukas Fricke, Christian Fricke, Frank Hohls, and Rolf J Haug
18:30 |
HL 31.28 |
Noise measurements of a quantized charge pump — •Lukas Fricke, Niels Maire, Frank Hohls, Bernd Kästner, Christoph Leicht, Philipp Mirovsky, Hans Werner Schumacher, and Rolf J. Haug
18:30 |
HL 31.29 |
Wave Packet Propagation and Transport Phenomena in Multi-Terminal Nanodevices — •Christoph Kreisbeck and Tobias Kramer
18:30 |
HL 31.30 |
Transient characteristics of a parabolic quantum wire quenched by one or two QPCs — •Cosmin M. Gainar, Valeriu Moldoveanu, Andrei Manolescu, and Vidar Gudmundsson
18:30 |
HL 31.31 |
Quantum point contacts in quantum wire systems — •E. Sternemann, S.S. Buchholz, S.F. Fischer, U. Kunze, D. Reuter, and A.D. Wieck
18:30 |
HL 31.32 |
Nanoscale ferromagnetic gates on shallow etched quantum wires — •Lakshmy Ravindran, Rasmus Ballmer, Saskia F. fischer, Ulrich Kunze, Dirk Reuter, and Andreas Wieck
18:30 |
HL 31.33 |
Ladespektroskopie unter optischer Anregung an InAs-Quantenpunkten — •Patrick Labud, Dirk Reuter, Arne Ludwig, Ashish Kumar Rai und Andreas Wieck
18:30 |
HL 31.34 |
Ladungsträgerdichtesteuerung in einer invertierten GaAs / AlxGa1−xAs Heterostruktur mit eingebetteten InAs Quantenpunkten mittels Rückseitengate. — •Sascha Valentin, Arne Ludwig, Dirk Reuter und Andreas Wieck
18:30 |
HL 31.35 |
Investigations of the conductance anomaly in strongly confined Si/SiGe quantum wires — •J. von Pock, D. Salloch, G. Qiao, U. Wieser, U. Kunze, and T. Hackbarth
18:30 |
HL 31.36 |
Geometry Dependent Transport Properties of Undoped InAs Nanowires — •H. Yusuf Günel, Christian Blömers, Kamil Sladek, Andreas Penz, Hilde Hardtdegen, Martina Luysberg, Steffi Lenk, Jürgen Schubert, Thomas Schäpers, and Detlev Grützmacher
18:30 |
HL 31.37 |
Electrical Properties of CVD-grown in situ doped silicon nanowires using silane as a precursor — •Björn Hoffmann, Uwe Hübner, Gerald Brönstrup, Vladimir Sivakov, Florian Talkenberg, and Silke Christiansen
18:30 |
HL 31.38 |
Optical manipulation of a Mn spin in a quantum dot via light hole exciton transitions — •Doris E. Reiter, Giselmar Hemmert, Vollrath Martin Axt, and Tilmann Kuhn
18:30 |
HL 31.39 |
Electrical spin-injection into single InGaAs quantum dots: circular polarization degree of light from different excitonic complexes — Pablo Asshoff, •Gunter Wüst, Andreas Merz, Michael Hetterich, and Heinz Kalt
18:30 |
HL 31.40 |
Electric Field and Excitation-Power Dependent Micro-Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Single In(Ga)As Quantum Dots — •Florian Stockmar, Daniel Rülke, Daniel M. Schaadt, Heinz Kalt, and Michael Hetterich
18:30 |
HL 31.41 |
Control of the charge state of quantum dots and quantum posts by surface acoustic waves — •Florian J. R. Schülein, F. Knall, S. Völk, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck, T. A. Truong, H. Kim, J. He, P. M. Petroff, A. Wixforth, and H. J. Krenner
18:30 |
HL 31.42 |
Optical spectroscopy on single charge tunable InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots — •Jan Kettler, Claus Hermannstädter, Petr Siyushev, Fedor Jelezko, Jörg Wrachtrup, Lijuan Wang, Armando Rastelli, Oliver G. Schmidt, and Peter Michler
18:30 |
HL 31.43 |
Temperature Dependent Photoluminescence of Wet Chemically Etched Silicon Nanowires — •Viktor Gerliz, Vladimir Sivakov, Silke Christiansen, Felix Voigt, and Gottfried H. Bauer
18:30 |
HL 31.44 |
Growth, Characterization and Lasing of CdS Nanostructures — •Julian Kühnel, Sebastian Geburt, Christian Borschel, Michael Kozlik, Amanda McDonnell, Kristen Sunter, Federico Capasso, and Carsten Ronning
18:30 |
HL 31.45 |
Optical properties of transition metal doped ZnO nanowires — •Sebastian Geburt, Christian Borschel, and Carsten Ronning
18:30 |
HL 31.46 |
Optical spectroscopy of ZnO nanowires — •Nils Neubauer, Martin Lange, Marius Grundmann, and Frank Cichos
18:30 |
HL 31.47 |
Electrically active dopant profiles in individual silicon nanowires — •Pratyush Das Kanungo, Xin Ou, Reinhard Kögler, Peter Werner, Ulrich Gösele, and Wolfgang Skorupa