14:30 |
HL 45.1 |
Determination of the Faust-Henry Coefficient of GaN by Raman Scattering — •Christian Röder, Gert Irmer, and Cameliu Himcinschi
14:45 |
HL 45.2 |
Auger Coefficient in GaInN-based Laser Structures — •Alexander Daniel Dräger, Carsten Netzel, Moritz Brendel, Holger Jönen, Uwe Rossow, and Andreas Hangleiter
15:00 |
HL 45.3 |
Exciton enhancement of recombination mechanisms in GaInN/GaN quantum well structures — •T. Langer, A. D. Dräger, H. Jönen, D. Fuhrmann, H. Bremers, U. Rossow, and A. Hangleiter
15:15 |
HL 45.4 |
Excitonic dielectric function of hexagonal GaN — •Steve Lenk and Erich Runge
15:30 |
HL 45.5 |
Ortsaufgelöste Photolumineszenz- (PL), Elektrolumineszenz- (EL) und LBIC- (Light Beam Induced Current) Messungen an einer InGaN/GaN-LED auf Silizium(111)-Substrat — •Martin Thunert, Thomas Hempel, Armin Dadgar und Jürgen Christen
15:45 |
15 Min. Coffee Break
16:00 |
HL 45.6 |
Untersuchungen von gezielt belasteten, blauen InGaN-MQW-LEDs mittels EL, μ-EL, simultanem μ-PL/Raster-LBIC und FE-REM — •T. Fey, T. Hempel und J. Christen
16:15 |
HL 45.7 |
Optical and structural investigations of pendeo-epitaxial AlGaN layers by spectrally resolved cathodoluminescence microscopy — •G. Schmidt, B. Bastek, T. Hempel, F. Bertram, J. Christen, V. Küller, A. Knauer, F. Brunner, H. Rodriguez, M. Weyers, and M. Kneissl
16:30 |
HL 45.8 |
Dielectric function of AlInN nearly lattice-matched to GaN — •Egidijus Sakalauskas, Pascal Schley, Georg Roßbach, Rüdiger Goldhahn, Hannes Behmenburg, Christoph Giesen, Michael Heuken, Christoph Hums, and Alois Krost
16:45 |
HL 45.9 |
Phase separation in AlGaN layers grown on SiN interlayers — •Kim Juliane Fujan, Benjamin Neuschl, Ingo Tischer, Martin Feneberg, Klaus Thonke, Martin Klein, Kamran Forghani, and Ferdinand Scholz
17:00 |
HL 45.10 |
Optical properties of homoepitaxial AlN — •Martin Feneberg, Benjamin Neuschl, Ramon Collazo, Anthony Rice, Zlatko Sitar, Jinqiao Xie, Seiji Mita, Georg Rossbach, Rüdiger Goldhahn, Marcus Roeppischer, Christoph Cobet, Norbert Esser, and Klaus Thonke
17:15 |
HL 45.11 |
Impact of stress on the optical properties of AlN layers — •Georg Roßbach, Pascal Schley, Gerhard Gobsch, Rüdiger Goldhahn, Marcus Röppischer, Christoph Werner, Christoph Cobet, Norbert Esser, Armin Dadgar, Matthias Wieneke, and Alois Krost
17:30 |
HL 45.12 |
Broadening mechanism of excitonic transitions in GaN nanowire ensembles — •Carsten Pfüller, Oliver Brandt, Caroline Chèze, Lutz Geelhaar, and Henning Riechert