14:00 |
HL 56.1 |
Optical anisotropy of a- and m-plane InN grown on free-standing GaN substrates — •Jochen Räthel, Pascal Schley, Egidius Sakalauskas, Gerhard Gobsch, René Müller, Thomas A. Klar, Jörg Pezoldt, Rüdiger Goldhahn, Gregor Koblmüller, James S. Speck, Matthias Wieneke, Jürgen Bläsing, and Alois Krost
14:15 |
HL 56.2 |
Polarization-dependent photoluminescence studies of semipolar and nonpolar InGaN quantum wells — •Lukas Schade, Ulrich Schwarz, Tim Wernicke, Markus Weyers, and Michael Kneissl
14:30 |
HL 56.3 |
Heteroepitaxial growth of basal plane stacking fault free a-plane GaN — •Matthias Wieneke, Thomas Hempel, Martin Noltemeyer, Hartmut Witte, Armin Dadgar, Jürgen Bläsing, Jürgen Christen, and Alois Krost
14:45 |
HL 56.4 |
Surface morphology of homoepitaxial GaN grown on non- and semipolar GaN substrates — •Tim Wernicke, Simon Ploch, Veit Hoffmann, Jens Rass, Carsten Netzel, Lukas Schade, Ulrich Schwarz, Arne Knauer, Markus Weyers, and Michael Kneissl
15:00 |
HL 56.5 |
Influence of stacking faults on the optical properties of m-plane GaInN quantum wells — •Holger Jönen, Uwe Rossow, Heiko Bremers, Torsten Langer, Daniel Dräger, Lars Hoffmann, Sebastian Metzner, Frank Bertram, Jürgen Christen, Lukas Schade, Ulrich T. Schwarz, and Andreas Hangleiter
15:15 |
HL 56.6 |
Growth of M- and A-plane GaN on LiGaO2 by plasma-assisted MBE — •Ralf Schuber, Mitch M.C. Chou, and Daniel M. Schaadt
15:30 |
HL 56.7 |
Plasma supported cleaning of galliumnitride (1120) surfaces — •Hendrik Geffers, Christian Schulz, Jan Ingo Flege, Thomas Schmidt, and Jens Falta
15:45 |
15 Min. Coffee Break
16:00 |
HL 56.8 |
Atomic model of the Interface between m-plane sapphire and semi-polar GaN — •Martin Frentrup, Simon Ploch, Markus Pristovsek, and Michael Kneissl
16:15 |
HL 56.9 |
Charakterisierung von AlGaInN mittels Röntgenbeugung und -fluoreszenz — •Lars Groh, Christoph Hums, Matthias Wieneke, Phannee Saengkaew, Jürgen Bläsing und Alois Krost
16:30 |
HL 56.10 |
Detailed investigation of the defect-related emissions around 3.3 eV in GaN ELOG structures — •Ingo Tischer, Hady Yacoub, Martin Schirra, Martin Feneberg, Thomas Wunderer, Ferdinand Scholz, Levin Dieterle, Erich Müller, Dagmar Gerthsen, and Klaus Thonke
16:45 |
HL 56.11 |
Spectrally resolved cathodoluminescence microscopy of an InGaN SQW on hexagonally inverted GaN pyramids — •Christopher Karbaum, Frank Bertram, Sebastian Metzner, Juergen Christen, Thomas Wunderer, and Ferdinand Scholz
17:00 |
HL 56.12 |
Microscopic correlation of real structure and recombination kinetics in semipolar InGaN SQW using spatio-time-resolved cathodoluminescence — •Sebastian Metzner, Frank Bertram, Jürgen Christen, Thomas Wunderer, Frank Lipski, Stephan Schwaiger, and Ferdinand Scholz
17:15 |
HL 56.13 |
Towards green electroluminescence of semipolar InGaN-MQWs on GaN pyramids — •Alexander Meyer, Clemens Wächter, Michael Jetter, and Peter Michler
17:30 |
HL 56.14 |
Growth of planar semipolar GaN via epitaxial lateral overgrowth on pre-patterned sapphire substrate — •Stephan Schwaiger, Ilona Argut, Thomas Wunderer, Frank Lipski, Rudolf Rösch, and Ferdinand Scholz