18:00 |
HL 61.1 |
Phase Change RAM: Non-volatile switching at DRAM speeds — •Philipp Merkelbach, Gunanr Bruns, Carl Schlockermann, Martin Salinga, Matthias Wuttig, Thomas Happ, Jan Boris Philipp, and Michael Kund
18:00 |
HL 61.2 |
Ultrafast phase change RAM cell characterization — •Carl Schlockermann, Gunnar Bruns, Philipp Merkelbach, Hanno Volker, Martin Salinga, and Matthias Wuttig
18:00 |
HL 61.3 |
Neutron Scattering and ab initio Studies of CuCrS2 — •Karin Schmalzl, Julia Rasch, Martin Boehm, Hannu Mutka, Juerg Schefer, G. M. Abramova, and Joerg F. Loeffler
18:00 |
HL 61.4 |
Ba0.7Sr0.3O thin films on n-Si as high-k material: correlation between structural and electrical properties — •Lisa Kühnemund, Dirk Müller-Sajak, Alexandr Cosceev, Herbert Pfnür, and Karl R. Hofmann
18:00 |
HL 61.5 |
Lanthanide oxides thin films for graphene-based devices — •Ihor Petrov, Teodor Toader, Claudia Bock, Ulrich Kunze, Andrian Milanov, Anjana Devi, and Roland A. Fischer
18:00 |
HL 61.6 |
First observation of the strong nonlinear optical response of graphene measured by four-wave mixing — Euan Hendry, Peter Hale, Julian Moger, Alexander Savchenko, and •Sergey Mikhailov
18:00 |
HL 61.7 |
Raman analysis of manipulated graphene — •Stefanie Heydrich, Michael Hirmer, Jonathan Eroms, Dieter Weiss, Tobias Korn, and Christian Schüller
18:00 |
HL 61.8 |
Spin Transport and Spin Precession in Bilayer Graphene with Transparent Ferromagnetic Contacts — •Bastian Birkner, Dieter Weiss, and Jonathan Eroms
18:00 |
HL 61.9 |
Investigation of top gates with ALD deposited dielectric on graphene structures — •Franz-Xaver Schrettenbrunner, Dieter Weiss, and Jonathan Eroms
18:00 |
HL 61.10 |
Fabrication of suspended graphene sheets — Benjamin Söll, Dieter Weiss, and •Jonathan Eroms
18:00 |
HL 61.11 |
Electric properties of multiwall carbon nanotubes with defects — •Andreas Stetter, Johann Vancea, and Christian H. Back
18:00 |
HL 61.12 |
Temperature dependent combination modes in the intermediate frequency region of single walled carbon nanotubes — •Felix Fromm, Daniel Niesner, Jonas Röhrl, Ralf Graupner, and Martin Hundhausen
18:00 |
HL 61.13 |
Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on diamond — •Anne-Katrin Nix, Ulrich Vetter, Daniel Severin, Christina Trautmann, and Hans Hofsäss
18:00 |
HL 61.14 |
Excited States of the Negatively Charged Nitrogen-Vacancy Color Center in Diamond — •Yuchen Ma, Michael Rohlfing, and Adam Gali
18:00 |
HL 61.15 |
Relationship between structural properties and electrochemical characteristics of electrochemical double-layer electrodes in aqueous and organic electrolyte — •Volker Lorrmann, Mario Zeller, Gudrun Reichenauer, Jens Pflaum, and Vladimir Dyakonov
18:00 |
HL 61.16 |
Hybrid electrode for electrochemical capacitors consisting of a MnO2 infiltrated carbon aerogel — •Christian Weber, Volker Lorrmann, Jens Pflaum, Gudrun Reichenauer, and Vladimir Dyakonov
18:00 |
HL 61.17 |
Ni(Al)-SiC-Interfaces studied by Transmission Electron Microscopy — •Alexander Alexewicz, Hartmut Bracht, Kathrin Rüschenschmidt, and Roland Rupp
18:00 |
HL 61.18 |
Iron-related Defect Centers in 4H-SiC Detected by Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy — •Lia Trapaidze, Michael Krieger, and Gerhard Pensl
18:00 |
HL 61.19 |
Ab initio study of strain effects on the quasiparticle bands and effective masses in silicon — •Mohammed Bouhassoune and Arno Schindlmayr
18:00 |
HL 61.20 |
Effect of codoping donor atoms in germanium — •Hartmut Bracht, Alexander Chroneos, and Robin W. Grimes
18:00 |
HL 61.21 |
Structure and defect processes in Si1−x−yGexSny random alloys — •U. Schwingenschlögl, A. Chroneos, C. Jiang, R.W. Grimes, and H. Bracht
18:00 |
HL 61.22 |
Definierte Variation der Nanostruktur in Ge-Schichten mittels Glanzwinkelabscheidung — •Michael Weise, Chinmay Khare, Bodo Fuhrmann, Jens Bauer und Bernd Rauschenbach
18:00 |
HL 61.23 |
Epitaxial growth of ZnS thin films on GaP and GaAs — •Udo Römer, Stefan Lautenschläger, Sebastian Eisermann, Oliver Graw, Melanie Pinnisch, Sven Ole Steinmüller, Jürgen Janek, and Bruno K. Meyer
18:00 |
HL 61.24 |
Quantitative Untersuchung von ZnTe-basierten optoelektronischen Heterostrukturen mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie — •Kristian Frank, Marco Schowalter, Andreas Rosenauer, Wojciech Pacuski, Carsten Kruse und Detlef Hommel
18:00 |
HL 61.25 |
Systematic Study of the Influence of Photo-Generated Carriers on the Mn-Spins in CdMnTe Quantum Wells — •Sina Zapf, Christian Kehl, Hedwig Mueller, Georgy Astakhov, Jean Geurts, Wolfgang Ossau, Yuri Kusrayev, Kyrill Kavokin, Tomek Wojtowicz und Greg Karczewski
18:00 |
HL 61.26 |
Optical investigations of excitons in collodial semiconductor nanocrystals — •Sergey Skripets, Martin Pohl, Martin Kneip, Dmitrii Yakovlev, Manfred Bayer, Celso Mello-Donega, Dominika Grodzinska, and Daniel Vanmaekelbergh
18:00 |
HL 61.27 |
Defect induced changes on the dynamics of the Mn 3d5 luminescence in ZnS:Mn nanowires — •Uwe Kaiser, Limei Chen, Wolfram Heimbrodt, Sebastian Geburt, and Carsten Ronning
18:00 |
HL 61.28 |
THz photoresponse of devices with quantum wells of narrow-gap semiconductors. — •Fathi Gouider, Yuri.B. Vasilyev, Christoph Brüne, Hartmut Buhmann, Jens Könemann, Phil.D. Buckle, and Georg Nachtwei
18:00 |
HL 61.29 |
Fabrication of ZnO cavities for planar microresonators — •Helena Hilmer, Chris Sturm, Rüdiger Schmidt-Grund, Jesús Zúñiga-Pérez, Holger Hochmuth, Marina Cornejo, Frank Frost, and Marius Grundmann
18:00 |
HL 61.30 |
Thermoelectric measurements on artificially structured ZnO/ZnS multilayers — •Steve Petznick, Achim Kronenberger, Gert Homm, Thorsten Henning, Peter J. Klar, and Bruno K. Meyer
18:00 |
HL 61.31 |
Fabrication and characterization of heterostructure LEDs based on the material system MgZnO/AlGaN — •Julian Benz, Sebastian Eisermann, Torsten Henning, Peter J. Klar, Bruno K. Meyer, Theeradetch Detchprohm, and Christian M. Wetzel
18:00 |
HL 61.32 |
Photoluminescence studies of top-down Zn1−xMgxO/ZnO quantum disk samples with different dimensions — •Martin Fischer, Markus Piechotka, Torsten Henning, Bernhard Laumer, Peter Klar, Martin Eickhoff, and Bruno Meyer
18:00 |
HL 61.33 |
Polarization behaviour of the exciton-polariton emission — •Chris Sturm, Helena Hilmer, Rüdiger Schmidt-Grund, and Marius Grundmann
18:00 |
HL 61.34 |
Electroluminescence of doped and undoped AlN/SiC-heterojunctions — •Christoph Brüsewitz, Ulrich Vetter, and Hans Hofsäss
18:00 |
HL 61.35 |
Pump Dynamics of Nuclear Spins in GaAs Nanostructures — •Wieland Worthoff and Dieter Suter
18:00 |
HL 61.36 |
The influence of self-assembled quantum dots on the electrical properties of an inverted 2DEG — •Dominik Scholz, Antonio Badolato, Dieter Schuh, Imke Gronwald, Christian Reichl, Werner Wehscheider, and Elisabeth Reiger
18:00 |
HL 61.37 |
Thermoelectric measurements on suspended 2DES — •Matthias Schmidt, Andrea Stemmann, and Wolfgang Hansen
18:00 |
HL 61.38 |
Cross-Section Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy on a resonant-tunneling diode structure — Karen Teichmann, Martin Wenderoth, •Sergej Burbach, Rainer G. Ulbrich, Klaus Pierz, and Hans W. Schumacher
18:00 |
HL 61.39 |
Suppression of interfacial intermixing of MBE grown Heusler Alloy Ni2MnIn on (001)InAs — •Sascha Bohse, Andriy Zolotaryov, Stefan Singer, Andreas Volland, Dieter Lott, Andrea Stemmann, Christian Heyn, and Wolfgang Hansen
18:00 |
HL 61.40 |
Energy Level Alignment at Si interfaces with photovoltaic oxides by ab-initio quasiparticle calculations — •Benjamin Höffling, André Schleife, Frank Fuchs, Claudia Rödl, and Friedhelm Bechstedt
18:00 |
HL 61.41 |
Nanomechanical Resonators — •Tommy Schönherr, Jochen Grebing, Takashi Sasaki, Matthias Wieser, and Artur Erbe
18:00 |
HL 61.42 |
Gas-assisted focused electron beam etching for direct nanopatterning of GaAs — •Arkadius Ganczarczyk, Martin Geller, and Axel Lorke
18:00 |
HL 61.43 |
Quantification of Impurities in Cu2O — •Andreas Laufer, Swen Graubner, Hauke Metelmann, Bruno Karl Meyer, Sebastian Geburt, and Carsten Ronning
18:00 |
HL 61.44 |
An all-digital time differential γ-γ angular correlation spectrometer for the study of defects in semiconductors — •Matthias Nagl, Ulrich Vetter, Michael Uhrmacher, and Hans Hofsäss
18:00 |
HL 61.45 |
Recoil Effect in Light Element Materials: a Hard X-Ray High Kinetic Energy Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study — •Mihaela Gorgoi and Franz Schäfers