10:15 |
HL 64.1 |
Elastic strain engineering of quantum dot excitonic emission in nanomembranes and optical resonators — •Fei Ding, Ranber Singh, Johannes Plumhof, Tim Zander, Gabriel Bester, Armando Rastelli, and Oliver Schmidt
10:30 |
HL 64.2 |
Effect of substrate thickness on uniaxial strain–induced single quantum dot emission energy tuning — •Klaus D. Jöns, Robert Hafenbrak, Sven M. Ulrich, Lijuan Wang, Fei Ding, Johannes D. Plumhof, Armando Rastelli, Oliver G. Schmidt, and Peter Michler
10:45 |
HL 64.3 |
Strain tuneable photoluminescence from natural InAs quantum dots — •Matthias Klingbeil, Matthias Grave, Sven Wildfang, Wolfgang Hansen, Detlef Heitmann, and Stefan Mendach
11:00 |
HL 64.4 |
Effect of biaxial stress on single particle states and binding energies of charged excitons and biexciton in In(Ga)As/GaAs(001) self-assembled quantum dots — •Ranber Singh, Fei Ding, Johannes Plumhof, Tim Zander, Gabriel Bester, Armando Rastelli, and Oliver Schmidt
11:15 |
HL 64.5 |
Cascaded exciton emission of an individual strain-induced quantum dot — •Florian J. R. Schülein, A. Laucht, M. Mattila, J. Riikonen, M. Sopanen, H. Lipsanen, J. J. Finley, A. Wixforth, and H. J. Krenner
11:30 |
15 Min. Coffee Break
11:45 |
HL 64.6 |
Optical properties of GaAs quantum dots fabricated by filling of self-assembled nanoholes — •Christian Heyn, Andrea Stemmann, Tim Köppen, Christian Strelow, Tobias Kipp, Matthias Grave, Matthias Klingbeil, Stefan Mendach, Andreas Schramm, and Wolfgang Hansen
12:00 |
HL 64.7 |
Nuclear spin-polarization of InGaAs quantum dots due to electrical spin-injection — Pablo Asshoff, •Andreas Merz, Gunter Wüst, Heinz Kalt, and Michael Hetterich
12:15 |
HL 64.8 |
Proposal for a nanowire-based terahertz quantum cascade laser — •Thomas Grange and Peter Vogl
12:30 |
HL 64.9 |
Light Harvesting in SC Core-Shell Nanocrystals — •Peter Lemmens, Hongdan Yan, Abhinandan Makhal, and Samir Kumar Pal
12:45 |
HL 64.10 |
Electroluminescence from silicon nanoparticles — •Jens Theis, Cedrik Meier, Axel Lorke, and Hartmut Wiggers