15:15 |
MA 18.1 |
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions due to internal strains in nanostructures: An ab-initio study — •Philipp Beck and Manfred Fähnle
15:30 |
MA 18.2 |
Magnetic and microstructural properties of thin NdFeB based films and nanostructures — •Lars Bommer and Dagmar Goll
15:45 |
MA 18.3 |
Low Temperature FMR study of Ultra Thin Au/Fe/GaAs Samples — •Abdullah Kocbay, Ramazan Topkaya, Sinan Kazan, Bekir Aktas, Kubra Marhan, Bartek Kardasz, and Bret Heinrich
16:00 |
MA 18.4 |
Energy and angle dependent threshold photoemission magnetic circular dichroism from an ultrathin Co/Pt(111) film — •Kerstin Hild, Gerd Schönhense, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Takeshi Nakagawa, Toshihiko Yokoyama, and Peter Oppeneer
16:15 |
MA 18.5 |
Reversal mechanism of AF-coupled [Co/Pt]/Ir multilayers — •C. Bran, N.S. Kiselev, O. Hellwig, U. Wolff, A.N. Bogdanov, U.K. Rößler, L. Schultz, and V. Neu
16:30 |
MA 18.6 |
Epitaxial Growth of Ni on Si Substrate by DC Magnetron Sputtering — •Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner, Michael Störmer, Dieter Lott, Danica Solina, and Andreas Schreyer
16:45 |
MA 18.7 |
Effect of substrate morphology on magnetic anisotropy and domain-structure — •Stefan Rößler, Sebastian Hankemeier, Robert Frömter, and Hans Peter Oepen
17:00 |
MA 18.8 |
(001) textured FePtCu thin films on amorphous SiO2 substrates — •Christoph Brombacher, Christian Schubert, Patrick Matthes, Denys Makarov, Mireille Maret, Nathalie Boudet, and Manfred Albrecht
17:15 |
MA 18.9 |
Induced Magnetic Anisotropy in Amorphous Fe24Co68Zr8 Thin Films — •Yu Fu, Igor Barsukov, Marina Spasova, Hossein Raanaei, Björgvin Hjövarsson, and Michael Farle
17:30 |
15 min. break
17:45 |
MA 18.10 |
Investigation of soft-magnetic properties of thin FeCo films for contact-less temperature and strain sensor applications — •Claas Thede, Steffen Chemnitz, Iulian Teliban, Christoph Bechtold, and Eckhard Quandt
18:00 |
MA 18.11 |
Spin Reorientation Transition of Co/Au(111) induced by ion bombardment — •Moritz Bubek, Sabine Pütter, and Hans Peter Oepen
18:15 |
MA 18.12 |
Forcing ferromagnetism in Fe/Gd thin films via Cr interlayer — •Carolin Antoniak, Bernhard Krumme, Anne Warland, Frank Stromberg, Biplab Sanyal, Christian Praetorius, Kai Fauth, Olle Eriksson, and Heiko Wende
18:30 |
MA 18.13 |
Effect of the iron overlayer thickness on the first and second order anisotropy constants of a (Co/Pt)8 multilayer film — •Matthias Hille, Daniel Stickler, André Kobs, Robert Frömter, and Hans Peter Oepen
18:45 |
MA 18.14 |
Interdiffusion at a ferromagnetic/semiconductor interface: experiment and theory — •Anne Warland, Bernhard Krumme, Heike C. Herper, Claudia Weis, Carolin Antoniak, Frank Stromberg, Peter Entel, Werner Keune, and Heiko Wende
19:00 |
MA 18.15 |
MOKE spectroscopy of FePtCu thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy — •Michael Fronk, Lars Smykalla, Christoph Brombacher, Christian Schubert, Manfred Albrecht, and Georgeta Salvan