10:15 |
MA 24.1 |
Spin-orbit coupling fields in Fe/GaAs junctions — •Martin Gmitra, Alex Matos-Abiague, Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl, and Jaroslav Fabian
10:30 |
MA 24.2 |
Spin Injection and Extraction in Fe/GaAs — •Bernhard Endres, Frank Hoffmann, Dieter Schuh, Georg Woltersdorf, Christian Back, and Günther Bayreuther
10:45 |
MA 24.3 |
In situ fabrication of lateral Cu/Co spin-valves to create pure spin currents — •Julius Mennig, Frank Matthes, Daniel E. Bürgler, and Claus M. Schneider
11:00 |
MA 24.4 |
Optical detection of spin-pumped magnetization in a Ni81Fe19/Cu multilayer — •Frederik Fohr, Jaroslav Hamrle, Helmut Schultheiss, Alexander A. Serga, Burkard Hillebrands, Yasuhiro Fukuma, Le Wang, and YoshiChika Otani
11:15 |
MA 24.5 |
Control of magnetic domain formation and domain wall movement in Permalloy nanowires — •Saleh Getlawi, Markus König, Michael R Koblischka, and Uwe Hartmann
11:30 |
MA 24.6 |
Growth and characterization of ferromagnetic MnGa on GaN — •Christian Zube, Amilcar Bedoya-Pinto, Daniel Broxtermann, Till Benter, Jörg Malindretos, and Angela Rizzi
11:45 |
MA 24.7 |
In-situ fabrication of lateral organic spin-valve structures with sub-100nm channel-length — •Matthias Grünewald, Frank Würthner, Georg Schmidt, and Laurens W. Molenkamp
12:00 |
MA 24.8 |
Structural and transport properties of Permalloy nanowires — •Saleh Getlawi, Michael R Koblischka, and Uwe Hartmann
12:15 |
MA 24.9 |
Preparation of Permalloy nanostructures using focused ion beam methods — •Saleh Getlawi, Michael R Koblischka, and Uwe Hartmann
12:30 |
MA 24.10 |
HAXPES studies of FeCoB-MgO-FeCoB tunnel junctions. — •X. Kozina, G. Stryganyuk, B. Balke, G.H. Fecher, C. Felser, S. Ikeda, H. Ohno, and E. Ikenaga