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14:00 |
MA 26.1 |
Magnonics - Exploring spin waves on the nanoscale — •Dirk Grundler
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14:30 |
MA 26.2 |
Spin dynamics of complex metallic magnets — •Paweł Buczek, Arthur Ernst, and Leonid Sandratskii
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15:00 |
MA 26.3 |
Time-resolved and wave-vector sensitive observation of a pump-free BEC — •Christian W. Sandweg, Alexander A. Serga, Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka, Andrii V. Chumak, Timo Neumann, Björn Obry, Helmut Schultheiss, Gennadii A. Melkov, Andrei N. Slavin, and Burkard Hillebrands
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15:15 |
MA 26.4 |
Parametric resonance and the kinetics of magnons in Yttrium Iron Garnet — •Thomas Kloss, Andreas Kreisel, and Peter Kopietz
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15:30 |
MA 26.5 |
Reversible folding of acoustic spin waves in an one-dimensional magnonic crystal — •Jesco Topp, Mikhail Kostylev, Detlef Heitmann, and Dirk Grundler
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15:45 |
MA 26.6 |
Sub-wavelength non-diffractive spin-wave beams — Thomas Schneider, •Alexander A. Serga, Andrii V. Chumak, Christian W. Sandweg, Simon Trudel, Sandra Wolff, Mikhail P. Kostylev, Vasil S. Tiberkevich, Andrei N. Slavin, and Burkard Hillebrands
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16:00 |
MA 26.7 |
Splitting of the homogeneous mode in high power ferromagnetic resonance experiment — •Peter Majchrak, Georg Woltersdorf, Thorsten Kachel, Christian Stamm, Hermann Dürr, and Christian Back
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16:15 |
MA 26.8 |
All-optical detection of phase fronts of propagating spin waves in a Ni81Fe19 microstripe — •Katrin Vogt, Helmut Schultheiss, Sebastian J. Hermsdoerfer, Philipp Pirro, Alexander A. Serga, and Burkard Hillebrands
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16:30 |
MA 26.9 |
ESR in CuCrO2 — •Mamoun Hemmida, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Nikola Pascher, Alois Loidl, and Christine Martin
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16:45 |
MA 26.10 |
Spin dynamics in a ferromagnetic spin-orbital chain beyond mean-field decoupling — •Alexander Herzog, Andrzej Oleś, Peter Horsch, and Jesko Sirker