11:00 |
MA 33.1 |
Exact-exchange spin density functional study of quantum rings: Successive spin Wigner transitions and spin magnetization of the ground state. — •Thorsten Arnold, Marc Siegmund, and Oleg Pankratov
11:00 |
MA 33.2 |
Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Fluorides from first principles — •Guntram Fischer, Waheed Adeagbo, Hossein Hashemi, Arthur Ernst, Martin Lüders, Zdzislawa Szotek, Walter Temmerman, and Wolfram Hergert
11:00 |
MA 33.3 |
Low-voltage gating of ferromagnetic GaMnAs structure — Sam Owen, Joerg Wunderlich, Andrew Irvine, Zbynek Soban, Kamil Olejnik, Tomas Jungwirth, and •Vit Novak
11:00 |
MA 33.4 |
Ferromagnetic resonance study on highly doped (Ga1− xMnx)As films — •Matthias Kiessling, Georg Woltersdorf, Vít Novák, and Christian Back
11:00 |
MA 33.5 |
Cross-sectional STM investigations of manganese diffusion in GaAs based heterostructures — •Gerhard Münnich, Martin Utz, Dieter Schuh, and Jascha Repp
11:00 |
MA 33.6 |
Magnetic aftereffect in compressively strained GaMnAs resolved by Kerr microscopy — •Liza Herrera Diez, Jan Honolka, Klaus Kern, Helmut Kronmüller, Ernesto Placidi, Fabrizio Arciprete, Andrew Rushforth, Richard Campion, and Bryan Gallagher
11:00 |
MA 33.7 |
Electronic localization and variable-range-hopping transport in GaMnN and GaGdN epitaxial layers — •Amilcar Bedoya-Pinto, Martin Roever, Dong-Du Mai, Joerg Malindretos, and Angela Rizzi
11:00 |
MA 33.8 |
Hydrogen mediated ferromagnetism in ZnO single crystals — •Khalid Muhammad, Esquinazi Pablo, Spemann Daniel, Anwand Wolfgang, and Brauer Gerhard
11:00 |
MA 33.9 |
Magnetic field induced changes of the magnetic phase transition in metastable zincblende MnS layers grown by MBE — •Manuel Demper, Limei Chen, Christine Bradford, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Kevin A. Prior, Alois Loidl, and Wolfram Heimbrodt
11:00 |
MA 33.10 |
Influence of exchange and correlation on the magnetic ground state of MnO — •Andreas Schrön, Claudia Rödl, and Friedhelm Bechstedt
11:00 |
MA 33.11 |
Origin of Resonance Structures in Magneto-optical Spectra of InMnSb and InSb — •Christoph Thurn and Vollrath Martin Axt
11:00 |
MA 33.12 |
Electrodeposited Fe(100−x)Gax thin films with high magnetostriction — •Diana Iselt, Heike Schlörb, Sebastian Fähler, and Ludwig Schultz
11:00 |
MA 33.13 |
Ni2MnIn Heusler electrodes for spin valves — •Hauke Lehmann, Jeannette Wulfhorst, Andreas Vogel, Jan M. Scholtyssek, Guido Meier, and Ulrich Merkt
11:00 |
MA 33.14 |
Distortion of the magnetization dynamics by domain walls — •Philipp Pirro, Sebastian Hermsdörfer, Björn Obry, Helmut Schultheiss, Katrin Vogt, Peter Andreas Beck, Peter Clausen, Thomas Brächer, Britta Leven, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 33.15 |
Noise characterization of a linearized submicron MTJ sensor array with CoFeB and Heusler alloy free-layers — •Peter Hedwig, Camelia Albon, Alexander Weddemann, and Andreas Hütten
11:00 |
MA 33.16 |
Evolution of magnetoresistance in electromigrated ferromagnetic break junctions — •Arndt von Bieren, Ajit Kumar Patra, Stephen Krzyk, Jakoba Heidler, Jan Rhensius, Laura Heyderman, Regina Hoffmann, and Mathias Kläui
11:00 |
MA 33.17 |
Magnetic properties of ion beam induced ripple patterned Fe layers — •Felix Büttner, Hans Hofsäss, and Kun Zhang
11:00 |
MA 33.18 |
Mangnetic domain patterns in Co2MnGe Heusler thin film microstructures — Katherine Gross, •Philipp Szary, Melanie Ewerlin, Frank Brüssing, Alexandra Schumann, Oleg Petracic, Kurt Westerholt, and Hartmut Zabel
11:00 |
MA 33.19 |
Anisotropy studies of individual micro structured elements using the magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) — •Thomas Sebastian, Georg Wolf, Andrés Conca, Britta Leven, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 33.20 |
Antiferromagnetically coupled Fe/Cr/Fe micropatterns in a ferromagnetically coupled environment — •Roland Neb, Peter Andreas Beck, Thomas Sebastian, Philipp Pirro, Burkard Hillebrands, Stefan Pofahl, Rudolf Schäfer, Bernhard Reuscher, and Michael Kopnarski
11:00 |
MA 33.21 |
Ensemble and single-object measurements of magnetic nanowires with modulated diameter — Kristina Pitzschel, Josep M. Montero Moreno, Stephan Martens, •Ole Albrecht, Julien Bachmann, and Kornelius Nielsch
11:00 |
MA 33.22 |
Magnetic and thermoelectrical measurement of multi-segmented Co/Cu nanowires — •Bastian Lie, Tim Böhnert, Johannes Kimling, and Kornelius Nielsch
11:00 |
MA 33.23 |
Structural, electrical and magnetic properties of single Au-Ni/NiO-Au nanowires — •Corinna Steinweg, René Sewcz, Sabrina Baldus, Saskia F. Fischer, Mihaela Daub, and Kornelius Nielsch
11:00 |
MA 33.24 |
Synthesis and characterization of boron-doped magnetic thin films and nanowires — •Martin Waleczek, Robert Zierold, Julien Bachmann, and Kornelius Nielsch
11:00 |
MA 33.25 |
Controlled reduction of the nucleation field in Co/Pt multilayer wires — •Judith Moser, André Kobs, Andreas Vogel, Theo Gerhardt, Markus Bolte, Mi-Young Im, Peter Fischer, Sebastian Wintz, Ulrich Merkt, Hans Peter Oepen, and Guido Meier
11:00 |
MA 33.26 |
Superparamagnetism of Co/Pt nanodots with perpendicular anisotropy — •Alexander Neumann, Simon Hesse, André Kobs, Andreas Frömsdorf, and Hans Peter Oepen
11:00 |
MA 33.27 |
Ultrafast magnetization dynamics of single antidot structures on nickel — •Darius G. Vahdat-Pajouh, Jakob Walowski, Andreas Mann, Henning Ulrichs, Gerrit Eilers, Benjamin Lenk, and Markus Münzenberg
11:00 |
MA 33.28 |
Spin wave propagation in Ni80Fe20 antidot lattices — •Hans Bauer, Georg Woltersdorf, Sebastian Neusser, Dirk Grundler, and Christian Back
11:00 |
MA 33.29 |
Magnetic coupling in manganese doped silicon nanocrystals — •Christian Panse, Roman Leitsmann, and Friedhelm Bechstedt
11:00 |
MA 33.30 |
Cell-size independent micromagnetic simulations including thermal effects — •Claas Abert, Benjamin Krüger, Jacek Swiebodzinski, Massoud Najafi, Gunnar Selke, André Drews, Guido Meier, and Markus Bolte
11:00 |
MA 33.31 |
Massively parallel micromagnetic FEM calculations with Graphical Processing Units — •Attila Kákay, Elmar Westphal, and Riccardo Hertel
11:00 |
MA 33.32 |
The influence of size and aspect ratio on the switching properties of elliptical elements: an OOMMF Approach — •Andres Conca Parra, Ana Ruiz Calaforra, Britta Leven, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 33.33 |
Influence of the magnetostatic coupling on the depinning field of geometrically pinned domain walls in adjacent magnetic nanostrips — •Felipe Garcia-Sanchez, Attila Kakay, and Riccardo Hertel
11:00 |
MA 33.34 |
Domain-wall types and switching fields in magnetic nanowires with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy determined by micromagnetic simulations — •Theo Gerhardt, Judith Moser, Andreas Vogel, André Kobs, Guido Meier, and Markus Bolte
11:00 |
MA 33.35 |
Micromagnetic simulations of depinning process of a head-to-head transverse domain wall by propagating spin waves on a magnetic nanowire — •June-Seo Kim, Luis Lopez-Diaz, Eduardo Martinez, and Mathias Kläui
11:00 |
MA 33.36 |
Modeling of intergrain exchange coupling for quantitative predictions of δm plots — •Volker Neu, Robert Biele, and Ludwig Schultz
11:00 |
MA 33.37 |
Micromagnetic simulation of three magnon scattering processes in spin-valve nanocontacts — •Florin Ciubotaru, Alexander A. Serga, Britta Leven, Elzbieta Jaromirska, Luis Lopez Diaz, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 33.38 |
Simulation of long range Kondo signatures in the local density of states for buried magnetic impurities — •Piet Eric Dargel, Robert Peters, Thomas Pruschke, Henning Prüser, Martin Wenderoth, Alexander Weismann, and Rainer G. Ulbrich
11:00 |
MA 33.39 |
Probing the long range signatures of single Kondo impurities — •Henning Prüser, Martin Wenderoth, Alexander Weismann, Rainer G. Ulbrich, Piet Dargel, Robert Peters, and Thomas Pruschke
11:00 |
MA 33.40 |
Polarized Neutron scattering on the triple-axis spectrometer PANDA: first results — •Enrico Faulhaber, Astrid Schneidewind, Fei Tang, Peter Link, Dirk Etzdorf, and Michael Loewenhaupt
11:00 |
MA 33.41 |
Commissioning results of MAXYMUS at BESSY II — •Markus Weigand, Brigitte Baretzky, Michael Bechtel, Eberhard Goering, Corinne Grevent, Marcel Mayer, Gisela Schütz, Hermann Stoll, Christian Wolter, Rolf Follath, and Christian Jung
11:00 |
MA 33.42 |
High resolution magnetic imaging using scanning electron microscopy with polarization analysis — •Jakoba Heidler, Daniel Rüffer, Gregory Malinowski, Jan Rhensius, Laura Heyderman, Stephen Krzyk, and Mathias Kläui
11:00 |
MA 33.43 |
Improved spin-SEM for high quality imaging of magnetic structures — •Fabian Lofink, Sebastian Hankemeier, Robert Frömter, and Hans Peter Oepen
11:00 |
MA 33.44 |
Advanced imaging and characterization of ferroic domains by optical second harmonic generation — Christian Wehrenfennig, •Dennis Meier, and Manfred Fiebig
11:00 |
MA 33.45 |
Quantitative Magnetic Force Microscopy with iron filled carbon nanotubes (Fe-CNT) — •Silvia Vock, Franziska Wolny, Ulrike Wolff, Christoph Hassel, Jürgen Lindner, Thomas Mühl, Volker Neu, and Ludwig Schultz
11:00 |
MA 33.46 |
Quantitative characterisation of magnetic force microscopy (MFM) tips in high homogeneous external magnetic fields — •Denny Köhler, Peter Milde, Ulrich Zerweck-Trogisch, and Lukas M. Eng
11:00 |
MA 33.47 |
Conical magnetic structure in the kagome-related Swedenborgite CaBaFe4O7 — •Navid Qureshi, Martin Valldor, and Markus Braden
11:00 |
MA 33.48 |
Structural and magnetic chirality of the transition metal silicides Fe1−xCoxSi and Mn1−xFexSi — •Dirk Menzel, Vadim Dyadkin, Sergey Grigoriev, Dmitry Chernishov, Vladimir Dmitriev, Evgeny Moskvin, Daniel Lamago, Thomas Wolf, Joachim Schoenes, Sergey Maleyev, and Helmut Eckerlebe
11:00 |
MA 33.49 |
Spin-waves decay in a helicoidal magnetic. — •Dmitri Efremov and Giniyat Khaliullin
11:00 |
MA 33.50 |
The S=1/2 Heisenberg model on the 2D orthorhombic lattice: A numerical study — •Mohammad Siahatgar, Burkhard Schmidt, and Peter Thalmeier
11:00 |
MA 33.51 |
Magnetic Properties of the quasi-2D S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet [Cu(pyz)2(HF2)]PF6 — •Mykhaylo Ozerov
11:00 |
MA 33.52 |
Stability of ferromagnetic order in monoatomic transition-metal nanowires : A first-principles study of the effective exchange interactions between local moments — •Muhammad Tanveer, Pedro Ruiz Diaz, and Gustavo Pastor
11:00 |
MA 33.53 |
Magnetic fluctuations in FeRh. — •Leonid Sandratskii
11:00 |
MA 33.54 |
Electrophysical and magnetoresistivity properties of granular multilayers based on Co, Ag, Au and Cu — •Dmytro Kutnyakhov, Sergej Nepijko, Iryna Cheshko, Larysa Odnodvorets, Nataliya Shumakova, Gerd Schönhense, and Ivan Protsenko
11:00 |
MA 33.55 |
Magnetic and structure studies on thin films of co-evaporated Heusler compounds — •Jan Rogge, Fabian Schmid-Michels, and Andreas Hütten
11:00 |
MA 33.56 |
Magnetic anisotropy of (Ga,Mn)As epitaxial layers on GaAs — •Sergiy Mankovsky, Svitlana Polesya, and Hubert Ebert
11:00 |
MA 33.57 |
Fabrication of CNT-based devices for spin transport measurements — •Caitlin Morgan, Karin Goß, Carola Meyer, and Claus Michael Schneider
11:00 |
MA 33.58 |
Current-induced domain wall motion: Separating spin torque and Oersted-field effects in Co/Pt nanowires — •Jan Heinen, Olivier Boulle, Kevin Rousseau, Gregory Malinowski, Mathias Kläui, Henk J. Swagton, Bert Koopmans, Christian Ulysse, and Giancarlo Faini
11:00 |
MA 33.59 |
Resistance tuning of GMR devices via domain wall motion — •Jana Münchenberger, Patryk Krzysteczko, Günter Reiss, and Andy Thomas
11:00 |
MA 33.60 |
Imaging of field induced domain wall excitation in permalloy nanowires — Jan Rhensius, •Daniel Rüffer, Lutz Heyne, Stephen Krzyk, Laura Jane Heyderman, Frithjof Nolting, and Mathias Kläui
11:00 |
MA 33.61 |
Depinning behaviours of domain walls at artificial notches in GMR nanostrips — •Björn Burkhardt, Sascha Glathe, Roland Mattheis, and Jeffrey McCord
11:00 |
MA 33.62 |
Current-induced domain-wall depinning in substractive argon-sputtered permalloy nanowires — •Sedat Dogan, Gesche Nahrwold, Lars Bocklage, Toru Matsuyama, Ulrich Merkt, and Guido Meier
11:00 |
MA 33.63 |
Field-pulse exited precessional motion — •Stefan Buschhorn, Jie Li, Min-Sang Lee, Björn Redeker, and Thomas Eimüller
11:00 |
MA 33.64 |
Inductive Detection of Magnetic Vortex Gyration in Permalloy Squares — •Hauke Hendrik Langner, Lars Bocklage, Toru Matsuyama, and Guido Meier
11:00 |
MA 33.65 |
A sensor layer to magnify the magnetic vortex core — •Edward Prabu Amaladass, Vitalij Sackmann, Manfred Fähnle, Markus Weigand, Michael Curcic, Hermann Stoll, Joachim Albrecht, Bartel Van Waeyenberge, Tolek Tyliszckak, Georg Woltersdorf, and Gisela Schütz
11:00 |
MA 33.66 |
Spin-wave eigenmodes in small magnetic disks in the vortex state — •Björn Obry, Katrin Vogt, Helmut Schultheiss, Philipp Pirro, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 33.67 |
Proposal of a robust measurement scheme for the non-adiabatic spin torque using the displacement of magnetic vortices — •Benjamin Krüger, Massoud Najafi, Stellan Bohlens, Robert Frömter, Dietmar Möller, and Daniela Pfannkuche
11:00 |
MA 33.68 |
Spin-transfer torque in MgO based tunnel junctions for different magnetic materials — •Christian Franz and Christian Heiliger
11:00 |
MA 33.69 |
Influence of band parameters on spin-transfer torque in tunnel junctions: model calculations — •Asma Heena Khalil and Christian Heiliger
11:00 |
MA 33.70 |
Temperature-Induced Magnetic Switching in Finite Chains — •David Bauer, Samir Lounis, Phivos Mavropoulos, and Stefan Blügel
11:00 |
MA 33.71 |
Interaction of two magnon condensates — •Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka, Alexander A. Serga, Christian W. Sandweg, Andrii V. Chumak, Timo Neumann, Björn Obry, Helmut Schultheiss, Gennadiy A. Melkov, Andrei N. Slavin, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 33.72 |
Broadband spin-wave spectroscopy on permalloy plain films at low temperature — •Florian Brandl, Sebastian Neusser, Georg Dürr, and Dirk Grundler
11:00 |
MA 33.73 |
Micro-stripline mediated emission and detection of spin wave propagation in permalloy thin films — •Klaus Thurner, Georg Dürr, Sebastian Neusser, and Dirk Grundler
11:00 |
MA 33.74 |
Spin-wave quantization in a thermal well — •Sebastian Schäfer, Helmut Schultheiss, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 33.75 |
Spin-wave excitation in magnetic nano hybrid structures — Christopher Rausch, Sebastian J. Hermsdörfer, Philipp Pirro, Helmut Schultheiss, •Britta Leven, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 33.76 |
Spin wave propagation in permalloy antidot lattices — •Georg Dürr, Sebastian Neusser, and Dirk Grundler
11:00 |
MA 33.77 |
Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics of Fe and Fe Alloys Investigated with Time-Resolved X-ray Spectroscopy — •Andrea Eschenlohr, Christian Stamm, Niko Pontius, Torsten Kachel, Ilie Radu, and Hermann A. Dürr
11:00 |
MA 33.78 |
Ultrafast Demagnetization in Heisenberg Ferromagnets — •Marko Wietstruk, Torsten Kachel, Niko Pontius, Christian Stamm, Hermann A. Dürr, Wolfgang Eberhardt, Cornelius Gahl, Martin Weinelt, Alexey Melnikov, and Uwe Bovensiepen
11:00 |
MA 33.79 |
Magnetization dynamics control of a single ferromagnetic nanoparticle subjected to ultra-short magnetic fields — •Alexander Sukhov and Jamal Berakdar
11:00 |
MA 33.80 |
Optical detection of magnetoelastic interaction in a magnetic film — •Christian W. Sandweg, Benjamin Jungfleisch, Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka, Björn Obry, Helmut Schultheiss, Alexander A. Serga, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 33.81 |
Magnetotransmission of surface acoustic waves at the nickel / lithium niobate interface — •C. Heeg, M. Weiler, H. Söde, A. Brandlmaier, R. Huber, D. Grundler, M. S. Brandt, R. Gross, and S. T. B. Goennenwein
11:00 |
MA 33.82 |
Construction of a SHG-FROG to characterize a laser amplifier system for higher harmonic generation (HHG) — •Nadine Keul, Patrik Grychtol, Roman Adam, and Claus M. Schneider
11:00 |
MA 33.83 |
Ab initio calculations of the electronic transport in MnAs nanoclusters — •Michael Czerner, André Simon, and Christian Heiliger
11:00 |
MA 33.84 |
High frequency magnetotransport in ferromagnetic thin films — •M. Radlmeier, M. Weiler, H. Huebl, C. Heeg, A. Brandlmaier, R. Gross, and S. T. B. Goennenwein
11:00 |
MA 33.85 |
Spin transport in a thin crystalline graphite flake — •Jose Barzola-Quiquia and Pablo Esquinazi
11:00 |
MA 33.86 |
On the spin polarization of Co-Mn-Sb thin films — •Jan Schmalhorst, Markus Meinert, and Günter Reiss
11:00 |
MA 33.87 |
Examination of spin currents in spin valve structures created by shadow lithography — •Andreas Lörincz, Jan Rhensius, Goran Mihajlović, Laura Heyderman, Axel Hoffmann, and Mathias Kläui
11:00 |
MA 33.88 |
A variable-temperature ultra-high vacuum four-probe spin-polarized scanning tunnelling microscope — •Tobias Spitz, Shiro Yamazaki, Oswald Pietzsch, and Roland Wiesendanger
11:00 |
MA 33.89 |
Transport properties of La0.7R0.3MnO3/SrTiO3/La0.7R0.3MnO3 (R = Ca, Sr) magnetic tunnel junctions — •Patryk Nowik-Boltyk, Robert Werner, Lucero Alvarez, A. Yu. Petrov, Bruce A. Davidson, Reinhold Kleiner, and Dieter Koelle
11:00 |
MA 33.90 |
Measurements of the capacitance of magnetic tunnel junctions — •Ronald Lehndorff, Anna Gerken, Gerhard Jakob, Andreas Hütten, and Günter Reiss
11:00 |
MA 33.91 |
Co/Pd multilayer based magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy — •Zoë Kugler, Günter Reiss, and Andy Thomas
11:00 |
MA 33.92 |
Preparation and characterization of sputtered CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB-based TMR magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) — •Neda Sadrifar and Ulrich Herr
11:00 |
MA 33.93 |
temperature dependence of transport properties of Co-Fe-B/MgO/Co-Fe-B magnetic tunnel junctions — •Ayaz Arif Khan, Jan Schmalhorst, and Günter Reiss
11:00 |
MA 33.94 |
Optimization of the tunnel magnetoresistance of CoFeB/ MgO/ CoFeB - based magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) with e-beam evaporation barriers. — •Vladyslav Zbarskyy, Marvin Walter, Gerrit Eilers, Patrick Peretzki, Michael Seibt, and Markus Münzenberg
11:00 |
MA 33.95 |
Influence of roughness at interfaces on tunneling magnetoresistance in Fe/MgO/Fe — •Saeideh Edalati Boostan, Hosein Moradi, and Christian Heiliger