15:15 |
MA 8.1 |
Lattice dynamics and static displacements in Fe-based magnetic shape memory alloys — •Markus E. Gruner and Peter Entel
15:30 |
MA 8.2 |
Anomalous phonon behaviour in Ni-based Heusler alloys — •Mario Siewert, Markus E. Gruner, Peter Entel, and Alfred Hucht
15:45 |
MA 8.3 |
Dynamical properties of Ni-Mn-Ga alloys — •Semih Ener, Jürgen Neuhaus, Klaudia Hradil, Richard Mole, Peter Link, and Winfried Petry
16:00 |
MA 8.4 |
Ab initio characterization of new ferromagnetic Fe-Ni-Co-Zn-Ga shape memory alloys — •Antje Dannenberg, Markus Ernst Gruner, Manfred Wuttig, and Peter Entel
16:15 |
MA 8.5 |
A phase-field model for twin boundary motion in martensitic microstructures — •Christian Mennerich, Marcus Jainta, Frank Wendler, and Britta Nestler
16:30 |
MA 8.6 |
Magnetization processes during field and stress induced twin boundary motion in NiMnGa — •Andreas Neudert, Yiu-Wai Lai, Rudolf Schäfer, and Jeffrey McCord
16:45 |
MA 8.7 |
Free-standing epitaxial Ni2MnGa films — •Tobias Eichhorn, Peter Klaer, Hans-Joachim Elmers, and Gerhard Jakob
17:00 |
MA 8.8 |
Microstructure of adaptive martensite in Ni-Mn-Ga — •Sebastian Fähler, Stefan Kaufmann, Robert Niemann, Tom Thersleff, Oleg Heczko, Bernhard Holzapfel, and Ludwig Schultz
17:15 |
MA 8.9 |
A comparison of substrate-constraint and freestanding thin Ni-Mn-Ga films — •Anja Backen, Srinivasa Yeduru Reddy, Manfred Kohl, Anett Diestel, Ludwig Schultz, and Sebastian Faehler
17:30 |
15 min. break
17:45 |
MA 8.10 |
High resolution imaging of epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films with STM — •Philipp Leicht, Aleksej Laptev, Mikhail Fonin, Yuansu Luo, and Konrad Samwer
18:00 |
MA 8.11 |
Preparation and characterization of textured Ni-Mn-Ga to show MFIS — •Martin Pötschke, Claudia Hürrich, Stefan Roth, Bernd Rellinghaus, and Ludwig Schultz
18:15 |
MA 8.12 |
Training of polycrystalline NiMnGa alloys — •Robert Chulist, Martin Pötschke, Andrea Böhm, Carl - Georg Oertel, Werner Skrotzki, and Erik Rybacki
18:30 |
MA 8.13 |
Training effects of polycrystalline Ni50Mn29Ga21 magnetic shape memory alloy — •Claudia Hürrich, Martin Pötschke, Stefan Roth, Bernd Rellinghaus, and Ludwig Schultz
18:45 |
MA 8.14 |
Magnetic field induced strain in Ni2MnGa-Polymer-Composites — •Sandra Weiß, Nils Scheerbaum, Jian Liu, Ludwig Schultz, Oliver Gutfleisch, Edith Mäder, and Gert Heinrich