MM 12: Topical Session Designing Innovative Structural Materials and Steels III
Montag, 22. März 2010, 14:45–15:45, H4
14:45 |
MM 12.1 |
First principles study of thermodynamic, structural and elastic properties of eutectic Ti-Fe alloys — •Li-Fang Zhu, Alexey Dick, Tilmann Hickel, Martin Friák, and Jörg Neugebauer
15:00 |
MM 12.2 |
Importance of magnetic effects on structural properties in Al- and Si- substituted Laves phases Fe2Nb and Fe2W — •François Liot, Martin Friák, and Jörg Neugebauer
15:15 |
MM 12.3 |
The influence of interstitial carbon and substitutional Nb-Mo on the mechanical properties of Ti-Al - an ab initio study — •Dominik Legut, Juergen Spitaler, and Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl
15:30 |
MM 12.4 |
Atomistic studies of dislocations in α-iron using bond-order potential — •Matous Mrovec, Christian Elsässer, and Peter Gumbsch