MM 13: Topical Session Designing Innovative Structural Materials and Steels IV
Montag, 22. März 2010, 16:00–17:45, H4
16:00 |
MM 13.1 |
Atomic-scale quantification of the mechanisms underlying solid solution hardening — •Johann von Pezold, Martin Friák, and Jörg Neugebauer
16:15 |
MM 13.2 |
Stability and mobility of hydrogen in the vicinity of point and extended defects in bcc-Fe — •Jutta Rogal, Yaojun A. Du, and Ralf Drautz
16:30 |
MM 13.3 |
In-situ investigation of precipitation in AA7449 friction stir welds using high energy SAXS — •Torben Fischer, Peter Staron, Luciano Bergmann, Jorge F. dos Santos, and Andreas Schreyer
16:45 |
MM 13.4 |
Phase-contrast imaging with an x-ray grating interferometer in materials science using noncoherent synchrotron radiation — •Julia Herzen, Felix Beckmann, Tilman Donath, Malte Ogurreck, Stefan Riekehr, Christian David, Franz Pfeiffer, Astrid Haibel, and Andreas Schreyer
17:00 |
MM 13.5 |
Metastable phase formation in undercooled Fe-Cr-Ni alloy melts — Thomas Volkmann, Wolfgang Löser, and •Dieter M. Herlach
17:15 |
MM 13.6 |
Ab initio molecular dynamics study of interface layer formation at aluminum oxide/silicon nitride interfaces — •Steve Schmerler and Jens Kortus
17:30 |
MM 13.7 |
Ab-initio study of structural stability of Fe-B phases — •Arthur Bialon, Thomas Hammerschmidt, and Ralf Drautz