MM 28: Nanostructured Materials I
Mittwoch, 24. März 2010, 10:15–11:45, H16
10:15 |
MM 28.1 |
Microstructure and thermodynamics of nanocrystalline NiTi alloy processed by high pressure torsion — •reeti singh, harald rösner, ruslan z. valiev, sergiy divinski, and gerhard wilde
10:30 |
MM 28.2 |
Influence of solutes on the deformation behaviour of nanocrystalline alloys: A molecular dynamics study of PdAu — •Jonathan Schäfer, Alexander Stukowski, and Karsten Albe
10:45 |
MM 28.3 |
Absolute concentration of free volumes in nanophase metals prepared by high-pressure torsion — •Bernd Oberdorfer, Wolfgang Sprengel, Daria Setman, Michael Zehetbauer, Reinhard Pippan, Werner Puff, and Roland Würschum
11:00 |
MM 28.4 |
Mechanical spectroscopy of nanoparticle-reinforced, electrodeposited ultrafine-grained nickel — •Hans-Rainer Sinning, Gabriele Vidrich, and Werner Riehemann
11:15 |
MM 28.5 |
Thermal stability and reaction of nanocrystalline Fe/Cr multylayers — •Patrick Stender and Guido Schmitz
11:30 |
MM 28.6 |
Trouble at the boundary surface: modeling field distortions and atom trajectories in 3D-AP — •Christian Oberdorfer and Guido Schmitz