MM 29: Nanostructured Materials II
Mittwoch, 24. März 2010, 12:00–13:00, H16
12:00 |
MM 29.1 |
Diffusion-induced recrystallization in Ni/Pd bi-layers — •Michael Kasprzak, Dietmar Baither, and Guido Schmitz
12:15 |
MM 29.2 |
Mechanical testing of infiltrated nanoporous gold — •Eike Epler, Burkhard Roos, Marcus Jahn, Lorenz Holzer, and Cynthia A. Volkert
12:30 |
MM 29.3 |
X-ray diffraction studies on pore condensates in silica nanochannels: The interplay of sorption strains, capillary condensation and capillary sublimation phenomena — •Daniel Rau, Patrick Huber, Sebastian Mörz, Wolfram Leitenberger, and Rolf Pelster
12:45 |
MM 29.4 |
Electrochemical tuning of the electrical resistance of nanoporous gold prepared by dealloying — Patrick Wahl, •Thomas Traußnig, Hai-Jun Jin, Stephan Landgraf, Jörg Weissmüller, and Roland Würschum