MM 30: Topical Session Photovoltaic Materials I
Mittwoch, 24. März 2010, 10:15–11:30, H4
10:15 |
MM 30.1 |
Topical Talk:
Solar cell absorbers made from rust ? - Stacked-Elemental-Layer-RTP and corrosion of alloys — •Rainer Hock, Roland Schurr, and Astrid Hölzing
10:45 |
MM 30.2 |
Amorphous / crystalline silicon heterojunctions: Changes of structural and electronic properties upon low-temperature annealing — •Hannes Ner Beushausen, Tim Ferdinand Schulze, and Lars Korte
11:00 |
MM 30.3 |
Rigorous optical simulation of rough interface light trapping structures in thin film silicon solar cells — •Daniel Lockau, Sven Burger, Lin Zschiedrich, Frank Schmidt, and Bernd Rech
11:15 |
MM 30.4 |
Optical and structural properties of MBE grown silicon nanodots for photovoltaic application — •Maurizio Roczen, Enno Malguth, Orman Gref, and Manfred Schmidt