MM 31: Topical Session Photovoltaic Materials II
Mittwoch, 24. März 2010, 11:45–13:15, H4
11:45 |
MM 31.1 |
The influence of reducing the chalcogen to metal ratio on phase transitions during the crystallisation of photovoltaic materials CuIn(S,Se)2 — •Astrid Hölzing, Roland Schurr, Stefan Jost, Jörg Palm, Barbara Tautz, Felix Oehlschläger, Ulrike Künecke, Klaus Deseler, Peter Wellmann, and Rainer Hock
12:00 |
MM 31.2 |
Properties of grain boundaries in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 and Cu(In,Ga)S2 thin film solar cells deduced from mean inner coulomb potential measurements — •Sebastian S. Schmidt, Daniel Abou-Ras, Joachim Klaer, Raquel Caballero, Christoph T. Koch, Thomas Unold, and Hans-Werner Schock
12:15 |
MM 31.3 |
Structural and chemical analyses of MOVPE-grown CuGaSe2 layers on (001)-GaAs — •Stefanie Bierwirth, Susanne Siebentritt, Levent Gütay, Jes Larsen, and Michael Seibt
12:30 |
MM 31.4 |
Characterisation of thin C60 films using X-Ray methods — •Chris Elschner, Alexandr A. Levin, Christoph Schuenemann, Moritz Riede, and Karl Leo
12:45 |
MM 31.5 |
Effect of film thickness, type of buffer layer, and substrate temperature on the morphology of dicyanovinyl-substituted sexithiophene films — •Alexandr A. Levin, Marieta Levichkova, Martin Pfeiffer, Dirk Hildebrandt, David Wynands, Chris Elschner, Karl Leo, and Moritz Riede
13:00 |
MM 31.6 |
Morphological study of Zinc-Phthalocyanine for organic solar cells — •Christoph Schünemann, Chris Elschner, Alexandr Levin, Karl Leo, and Moritz Riede