MM 38: Mechanical Properties III
Mittwoch, 24. März 2010, 16:30–18:00, H16
16:30 |
MM 38.1 |
Statistical Dislocation Dynamics: Some Comments — •Markus Hütter
16:45 |
MM 38.2 |
Interface fracture simulation in lamellar TiAl crystals — •Pavel Leiva Ronda, Karsten Durst, Farasat Iqbal, and Mathias Göken
17:00 |
MM 38.3 |
Finite Auxetic Deformations of Plane Tessellations — •Holger Mitschke, Gerd E. Schroeder-Turk, Vanessa Robins, and Klaus Mecke
17:15 |
MM 38.4 |
Effective Elastic Moduli in Solids with High Density of Cracks — •Robert Spatschek, Clemens Gugenberger, and Efim Brener
17:30 |
MM 38.5 |
Simulation der Ermüdung von metallischen Werkstoffen durch ein granulares Modell — •Judith Fingerhuth, Matz Haaks, Gunter Schütz und Karl Maier
17:45 |
MM 38.6 |
Performance optimized phase-field simulations of grain structures under the effect of mechanical forces — •Alexander Vondrous, Michael Selzer, Britta Nestler, and Marcus Jainta