MM 42: Topical Session Multifunctional Materials III
Mittwoch, 24. März 2010, 14:45–16:15, H6
14:45 |
MM 42.1 |
Topical Talk:
Multifunctional semiconductor nanowires for photonic applications — •Carsten Ronning
15:15 |
MM 42.2 |
Topical Talk:
Interfaces in multifunctional perovskite oxides — •Christian Jooß, Joerg Hoffmann, Jonas Norpoth, Malte Scherff, Björn-Uwe Meyer, Gesine Saucke, and Yimei Zhu
15:45 |
MM 42.3 |
Diffractive optics on contact lens: application of electron beam lithography on polymer material with curved structures — •Xin Jin, Dawit Gedamu, Rainer Adelung, Dirk Meyners, Eckhard Quandt, Matthias Kaläne, Kai Rossnagel, Lutz Kipp, and Frank Spors
16:00 |
MM 42.4 |
Crossing an interface: Tuneable spin polarisation by means of electric charge — Mike Hambe, Adrian Petraru, Nikolay A. Pertsev, Valanoor Nagarajan, and •Hermann Kohlstedt