MM 46: Nanostructured Materials III
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 10:15–11:45, H16
10:15 |
MM 46.1 |
Dreidimensionale Morphologie von Nanopartikeln und Nanodrähten — •Christina Möller, Z.-A. Li, M. Spasova und M. Farle
10:30 |
MM 46.2 |
Structure, morphology and ageing of dumbbell Ag-Fe nanoparticles — •Anna Elsukova, Zi-An Li, Mehmet Acet, Marina Spasova, and Michael Farle
10:45 |
MM 46.3 |
Adsorption and freezing of argon in mesoporous Vycor glass — •Klaus Schappert and Rolf Pelster
11:00 |
MM 46.4 |
Cluster deposition on self-assembled thiol monolayers: mechanisms from simulation and experiment — •Tommi Järvi, Leila Costelle, Minna Räisänen, Jyrki Räisänen, and Vladimir Tuboltsev
11:15 |
MM 46.5 |
Experimental demonstration of hyperbolic wave vector surfaces in silver nanowire arrays — •Jörg Schilling and Jyotirmayee Kanungo
11:30 |
MM 46.6 |
Plasmonic Nano Structures via Electron Beam Induced Deposition — •Katja Höflich, Ulrich Gösele, Jörg Petschulat, Norik Janunts, Renbin Yang, Andreas Berger, Thomas Pertsch, and Silke Christiansen