MM 51: Electronic Properties I
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 10:15–11:15, H5
10:15 |
MM 51.1 |
Momentum resolved Eliashberg function calculations within the KKR formalism — •Sergiy Mankovsky, Jan Minar, and Hubert Ebert
10:30 |
MM 51.2 |
First-principles electronic structure and chemical bonding studies of type I clathrates Ba8TxE46−x (T: late transition metals; E: Si, Ge; x= 0–6) — •Alim Ormeci, Umut Aydemir, Wilder Carrillo-Cabrera, Michael Baitinger, and Yuri Grin
10:45 |
MM 51.3 |
Optical and electrical characterization of Al doped Zinc oxide nanoporous films prepared via sol-gel method — •Babak Nasr, Subho Dasgupta, Robert Kruk, and Horst Hahn
11:00 |
MM 51.4 |
Positronic structure in metals containing vacancies — •Martin Offenberger, Hubert Ebert, and John Banhart