MM 54: Nanostructured Materials V
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 15:15–17:00, H16
15:15 |
MM 54.1 |
Understanding the growth mechanism of carbon nanotubes via the "cluster volume to surface area" model — •Sreekanth Mandati, Jens Kunstmann, Felix Börrnert, Ronny Schönfelder, Mark Rümmeli, Kamal K. Karb, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
15:30 |
MM 54.2 |
Controlling the kink angle of intramolecular carbon nanotube junctions: A combined experimental and theoretical study — Jan Blüher, •Jens Kunstmann, Imad Ibrahim, Alicja Bachmatiuk, Felix Börrnert, Mark Rümmeli, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
15:45 |
MM 54.3 |
Direct imaging and analysis of the internal interfaces between carbon nanotubes and their catalyst particles — •Darius Pohl, Franziska Schäffel, Christine Täschner, Mark Hermann Rümmeli, Christian Kisielowski, Ludwig Schultz, and Bernd Rellinghaus
16:00 |
MM 54.4 |
Magnetomechanical Interactions in Freestanding, Ferromagnetically Filled Carbon Nanotubes — •Stefan Philippi, Uhland Weißker, Markus Löffler, Thomas Mühl, Albrecht Leonhardt, and Bernd Büchner
16:15 |
MM 54.5 |
Synthesis and mechanical properties of iron-filled carbon nanotubes — •Uhland Weißker, Markus Löffler, Franziska Wolny, Thomas Mühl, Albrecht Leonhardt, and Bernd Büchner
16:30 |
MM 54.6 |
Current-induced shaping of carbon nanotubes and their filling — •Markus Löffler, Stefan Philippi, Uhland Weißker, Thomas Mühl, Thomas Gemming, Rüdiger Klingeler, and Bernd Büchner
16:45 |
MM 54.7 |
Photoluminescence on single-walled carbon nanotubes: A recipe to relative signal intensities — •Sebastian Heeg, Joel Abrahamson, Michael Strano, and Stephanie Reich