MM 56: Topical Session Growth Kinetics VI
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 15:30–17:00, H4
15:30 |
MM 56.1 |
Computational analysis of interfacial attachment kinetics and transport phenomena during liquid phase epitaxy of mercury cadmium telluride — Igal Rasin, Anne Ben Dov, Ilana Grimberg, Olga Klin, Eliezer Weiss, and •Simon Brandon
15:45 |
MM 56.2 |
Zeolite thin film growth studied with a phase-field model — •Frank Wendler, Christian Mennerich, and Britta Nestler
16:00 |
MM 56.3 |
Combined phase-field and MD simulations of diffusion drop and ordering at [NixZr1−x]liquid-Zrcrystal interfaces — •M. Guerdane, F. Wendler, and B. Nestler
16:15 |
MM 56.4 |
The Interface of a Growing Zr-Ni Crystal — •Philipp Kuhn and Jürgen Horbach
16:30 |
MM 56.5 |
Conditions for the occurrence of Abnormal Grain Growth studied by a 3D Vertex Dynamics Model — •Melanie Syha and Daniel Weygand
16:45 |
MM 56.6 |
Twist grain boundary migration by molecular dynamics simulation — •Volker Mohles, Jian Zhou, and Günter Gottstein