MM 57: Topical Session Battery Materials III
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 14:00–15:30, H6
14:00 |
MM 57.1 |
Topical Talk:
Physical properties and synthesis of thin film materials for batteries — •Nancy Dudney
14:30 |
MM 57.2 |
Li ion transport in sputter deposited LiCoO2 thin films and glassy borate membranes — •Tobias Stockhoff, Tobias Gallasch, and Guido Schmitz
14:45 |
MM 57.3 |
Electron energy loss spectroscopy of thin film electrodes and membranes in all-solid-state batteries — •Tobias Gallasch, Dietmar Baither, and Guido Schmitz
15:00 |
MM 57.4 |
Grenzflächen-Untersuchungen an Festkörper-Batterien — •Susanne Jacke, Jie Song, Gennady Cherkashinin, René Hausbrand und Wolfram Jagermann
15:15 |
MM 57.5 |
Valence states and surface/interface reactions in Li-ion battery cathodes — •Gennady Cherkashinin, David Ensling, Stefan Schmid, Jie Song, Susanne Jacke, Renè Hausbrand, Kristian Nikolowski, Helmut Ehrenberg, and Wolfram Jaegermann