MM 59: Phase Transitions I
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 14:00–15:15, H5
14:00 |
MM 59.1 |
The Phase Diagram of Iron Clusters: A molecular Dynamics Study — •Denis Comtesse, Ralf Meyer, and Peter Entel
14:15 |
MM 59.2 |
Bulk and near-surface microstructure of Ni-23 at.% Pt — •Markus Engelke, Bernd Schönfeld, and Andrei Ruban
14:30 |
MM 59.3 |
Bonding in boron: building high-pressure phases from boron sheets — •Jens Kunstmann, Lilia Boeri, and Jens Kortus
14:45 |
MM 59.4 |
Memory Effects in Confined Fluids via Diffusion Measurement — •Sergej Naumov, Rustem Valiullin, and Jörg Kärger
15:00 |
MM 59.5 |
Microstructure simulations of porous media, of cell motion in flow fields and the interaction with structured surfaces — •Britta Nestler, Ali Aksi, Michael Selzer, Marcus Jainta, and Frank Wendler